slider component for Angular 2+
I needed a slider that could be used to choose choose a list of probabilities that always add up to 1.
I could have used a text input or slider for each probability and link it up so that changing one would
update the others, but that's a fairly clunky interaction. This approach isn't perfect, but I think
it's better...
To add the slider to your Angular project:
npm i @vijayliebe/multi-range-slider
Once installed, add the slider to your app.module.ts
import { MultiRangeSliderModule } from '@vijayliebe/multi-range-slider';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Now you can use the slider component in your app components, for example in app.component.ts
export class AppComponent {
count = 5;
variants = [];
public colors: any = ['#d8d8d8', '#83db8e', '#30d6c5', '#81bbe4',
'#869bcc', '#d69dce', '#bd78a2', '#c66561',
'#c66561', '#f2ad47', '#ffd54f'];
ngOnInit() {
for(let i = 0; i < this.count; i++){
this.variants.push({value : 100/this.count});
And in template file app.component.html
<app-multi-range-slider [variants]="variants" [prop]="'value'" [colorList]="colors"></app-multi-range-slider>
<div *ngFor="let variant of variants; let i = index;">
Variant {{i+1}} : {{variant.value}}%
ng serve multiRangeSliderTest