This Webpack plugin is for Wordpress developers who want an easy way to drop React apps into Wordpress pages. It creates a simple Wordpress plugin from your Webpack configuration, registering each Webpack entry as a Wordpress shortcode.
Requires Webpack 4 or 5
npm install wordpress-shortcode-webpack-plugin
Import the plugin, tell it a bit about your desired Wordpress plugin output, and add it to your Webpack configuration.
import { WordpressShortcodeWebpackPlugin } from 'wordpress-shortcode-webpack-plugin';
export default {
entry: './src/index.js',
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
plugins: [
new WordpressShortcodeWebpackPlugin({
// The name of the plugin in Wordpress. Should be kebab-cased
wordpressPluginName: 'my-awesome-plugin',
// Any additional fields to put in the plugin header.
headerFields: {
author: 'Tom Lagier',
description: 'An awesome plugin that does many cool things'
// Note: Defining a version isn't necessary for Wordpress cache-busting
// if you're using [contenthash] tokens in your output. It can still be
// nice to set a version for communicating changes to users.
version: '1.2.3'
When built, this will output the following assets in the build directory:
// The main Wordpress plugin file
... other assets produced by Webpack
// Archive of the plugin that you can install to Wordpress
Once uploaded, you can use the entrypoints specified in your Webpack configuration as shortcodes.
By default the shortcodes are registered as {pluginName}-{entryName}
. For our example, the one
shortcode registered would be my-awesome-plugin-main
So, in Wordpress, we could use the shortcode like [my-awesome-plugin-main]
You can see an example Create React App repo here.
Type: string
Your plugin's name in kebab-case.
Type: string
Default: wordpressPluginName
The prefix used instead of wordpressPluginName
to create your shortcodes.
With shortcodePrefix: 'my-shortcode'
, the main
entry shortcode would
be [my-shortcode-main]
pluginUri?: string;
description?: string;
version?: string;
requiredWordpressVersion?: string;
requiredPHPVersion?: string;
author?: string;
authorUri?: string;
license?: string;
licenseUri?: string;
textDomain?: string;
domainPath?: string;
isNetworkWide?: boolean;
Default: {}
Header fields for the Wordpress plugin. See
Type: object
Default: {}
A map of overrides for the root element ID for each entrypoint. By default we just use root
the ID for the root element, per React convention. If that ID conflicts with something else on the page,
you can adjust it with this map.
main: 'new-main-root-id'
Type: string
Default: ./src/default-template.php
(in the wordpress-shortcode-webpack-plugin repo)
Path to the template file that should be used to generate the Wordpress plugin file.
The template file is a PHP file with the following tokens that get replaced with content. You can customize the behavior of the Wordpress plugin by modifying the template.
Replaced with the Wordpress comment indicating the plugin name and other plugin metadata.
* Plugin Name: My Plugin
Replaced with an associative array of entrypoint to an array of files that should be loaded
for that entrypoint. Required for {{shortcode_registration}}
and {{shortcode_definitions}}
$manifest = [
'main' => [
Function that is invoked when the shortcode is called. Enqueues the assets for the entry and returns the React root HTML as a string.
Override this if you'd like to enhance the logic that gets run when your shortcode is run, e.g. by supplying attributes or setting global variables in the markup.
The naming convention for shortcodes that get registered is create_{entry}_app
Requires {{shortcode_registration}}
function create_main_app() {
return '<div id="root"></div>';
Function that registers the shortcode definition functions and their assets with Wordpress.
function register_my_plugin_entries() {
add_shortcode('my-plugin-main', 'create_main_app');
Adds the {{shortcode_registration}}
function as an action during Wordpress's init
add_action('init', 'register_my_plugin_entries');
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd wordpress-shortcode-webpack-plugin
Install dependencies
yarn build
To run tests, run the following command
yarn test