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ReinvdZee edited this page Oct 17, 2024 · 273 revisions

List of available services and their paths

This documents lists data available on the Venus OS D-Bus.

The data is published by multiple services. For example each solar charger will have its own service on the D-Bus. As will a VE.Bus inverter/charger system, and-so-forth.

This list is probably not complete, in case you miss something you need, welcome to figure it out (ie. login to a device, and run dbus -y ), and then add it here.

And, besides dbus -y and dbus-spy, see also the Modbus-TCP excelsheet, available on our website. It also contains lots of details. Another reliable source are the gui qml pages.


  • not all paths are available for each type of device. For example a PV Inverter: in case the data on the D-Bus comes from an ethernet connected Fronius, there will be a Fronius device type on the D-Bus. But in case the PV Inverter is actually a Carlo Gavazzi energy meter configured to be measuring a PV Inverter, there is no Fronius Status code (of course).
  • SI units are used for all measurements, with these exceptions: Energy is in kWh and temperature is in degrees Celsius.

Disclaimer on the stability of path naming & structure: we give no warranty about these paths and function to be the same for ever. Of course we will not change them often and/or without good reasons.


Generic paths


See dbus-api for more details.

Error codes

Note: This is currently being developed and has not been implemented yet!

For Victron devices/services the /ErrorCode path should be used. Thirdparty devices should use the path /Error/n/Id.

The format of the /Error/n/Id payload is as follows: "man:[ewi]-code". Where man is the manufacturer, [ewi] is used to indicate the level of the alarm (e=error, w=warning, i=informational), and code is the device specific error code/id as found in the manual or on a display of the third party device. If the manufacturer does not provide an error code, define a unique number per error.

Translating the code into a human readable string is done by venus-platform. It uses the library in veutil for that. See for example this file:

  • venus-platform parses the errorcode to populate the notifications, used to trigger alarms on the GX.


  1. There will only be one consumer: venus-platform. All other services should use the /Notification/n paths of venus-platform and not access the error path of the dbus services directly. Venus-platform starts parsing at slot 0 and continues until it finds the first empty slot.
  2. The service must claim and initially populate all error paths before setting /Connected to 1.
  3. Always fill all parts of the payload: man, [ewi], and code.
  4. A service may publish up to 8 (n=7) error paths. The amount of paths published should be fixed. So if a device supports 8 or more different errors/warnings/infos, claim all 8. If only m (<=8) errors are supported simultaneously, claim m paths. A service may also claim 0 error paths when error reporting is not supported on the third party device. This will be considered as no active errors.
  5. An error slot must be set to an empty string if it does not hold an active notification.
  6. Always fill the slots in order of severity: First all e's, followed by all w's and then all i's.
  7. When the error condition is resolved, rearrange all slots to satisfy requirements 5 and 6. Make sure not to clear an error slot in-between to prevent parsing errors, see rule 1.

Venus-platform implementation proposal

  1. An error is active as long as the /Connected path of the related service is equal to 1.
  2. To prevent the same error from reappearing and cluttering the history, a new state is introduced: "Unknown". An active notification will transition to this state when it was active when the triggering service is not available anymore. If the service comes up again, venus-platform attempts to match active error codes (see rules 2 and 7) with notifications in the "Unknown" state and the notification will transition either to "Active" or "Not active".
  3. While a service is unavailable, venus-platform should raise a "disconnected device" error. This error also explains to the user why the other notifications of the service are "Unknown".


""                  => No error.
"wakespeed:e-14"    => Wakespeed WS500 error code 14, low battery.
"fischerpanda:e-65" => Fischer Panda genset error code, AC voltage L1 high.


The system service is published by the dbus-systemcalc-py process. It takes the various readings like SOC, Battery voltages and other things from other processes, and then republishes these readings on the D-Bus. The System service is also where the System Overview pages in the GUI, and the VRM Dashboard get their data.


AC related paths:

/Ac/ActiveIn/Source             <- The active AC-In source of the multi.
                                   0:not available, 1:grid, 2:genset,
                                   3:shore, 240: inverting/island mode.
                                   This value is determined by matching
                                   the active input on the multi with the
                                   AC Input types as configured in the 
                                   System setup menu. Some notes:
                                   1) 0:not available means a config
                                      error by the user: he configured
                                      that input as not in use while it is.
                                   2) 240: inverting/island mode will be added
                                      in version v2.12~26.
/Ac/ActiveIn/FeedbackEnabled    <- 0: Excess PV will not be fed into the grid
                                   1: Excess PV (either AC- or DC-coupled) will be fed into the grid
                                   Note: This is a summary of the ESS settings for VE.Bus systems, or the config of a Multi-RS, so that
                                   there is a single place where this information can always be found.
/Ac/Consumption/L1/Power        <- DEPRECATED. Total of /ConsumptionOnInput & 
/Ac/Consumption/NumberOfPhases  <- Either 1 (single phase), 2 (split-phase) or
                                   3 (three-phase)
/Ac/ConsumptionOnInput/*        <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption
/Ac/ConsumptionOnOutput/*       <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption
/Ac/Genset/*                    <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption, and two more:
/Ac/Grid/*                      <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption, and two more:
/Ac/Grid/ProductId              <- Meter product id
/Ac/Grid/DeviceType             <- Meter device type. Invalid if Grid is not measured by an energy meter. 0 for generic grid meter.
/Ac/PvOnGenset/*                <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption
/Ac/PvOnGrid/*                  <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption
/Ac/PvOnOutput/*                <- Same subpaths as /Ac/Consumption

AC-input information (for use by user interfaces)

Ac/In/0/Connected      -> Whether the first AC input is connected (0=disconnected, 1=connected)
Ac/In/0/DeviceInstance -> DeviceInstance of the service performing the measurements for this input
Ac/In/0/ServiceName    -> Name of service performing the measurements for this input
Ac/In/0/ServiceType    -> Type of service (vebus,grid,genset,multi)
Ac/In/0/Source         -> The source connected to the first input, 0=not used, 1=Grid, 2=Generator, 3=Shore
Ac/In/1/Connected      -> Whether the second AC input is connected (invalid if no second input supported)
Ac/In/1/DeviceInstance -> DeviceInstance of the service performing the measurements for this input
Ac/In/1/ServiceName    -> Name of service performing the measurements for this input
Ac/In/1/ServiceType    -> Type of service (vebus,grid,genset,multi)
Ac/In/1/Source         -> The source connected to the second input, 0=not used, 1=Grid, 2=Generator, 3=Shore

DC & main battery related paths:

/Dc/Battery/Alarms/CircuitBreakerTripped   <- Something special
/Dc/Battery/TimeToGo           <- in seconds, until battery SOC reaches "SOC relay/discharge floor" value.  Capped at 864000 (10 days) when battery is not discharging
/Dc/Pv/Current                 <- total output current of all
                                  connected solar chargers
/Dc/Pv/Power                   <- same, but then the power
/Dc/System/Power               <- see manual, has DC system
/Dc/Vebus/Current              <- charge/discharge current from
                                  the VE.Bus system
/Dc/Vebus/Power                <- same, but then the power

/Dc/InverterCharger/Power      <- The overall power used by inverter/chargers, including Multi, Multi RS, Inverter RS and other inverters
                                  Use this instead of the Vebus power, or Service, when showing a system overview.
/Dc/InverterCharger/Current    <- The current value for the above power 

Above paths all relate to the main aka central battery in a system. It is possible to have more than one battery. Normally not in an ESS system, but other applications, especially boats, have more. For example two starter batteries + a main service battery. For that there is the Settings -> System setup -> Battery measurements menu.

Related path:

/Batteries                        -> All batteries in the system (used in gui-v2 and html5-app and VRM)
                                     Use /Batteries in places where you want to show all batteries.

/AvailableBatteries               -> List of all battery measurements, used in Settings -> System setup -> Battery measurements.

Paths related to the Settings -> System setup -> Battery selection menu:


Indicators of various automatic functions such as enhancing or syncing the VE.Bus SOC. See user manual for more info.

/Control/ExtraBatteryCurrent -> 0: no syncing, 1: solar charger current synced with Multi to improve SOC
/Control/SolarChargeCurrent  -> 0: no limiting, 1: solar charger limited by user setting or intelligent battery
/Control/SolarChargeVoltage  -> 0: no control, 1: solar charger voltage is controlled by intelligent battery or Multi
/Control/VebusSoc            -> 0: no syncing, 1: battery SOC is synced with the Multi
/Control/BatteryCurrentSense -> 0: Disabled (battery current is NOT sent to solar chargers).
                                1: Disabled because External control (ESS or intelligent battery) is used.
                                2: Disabled because there are no compatible solar chargers.
                                3: Disabled because a suitable battery monitor is not available.
                                4: Enabled (battery current is sent to solar chargers to improve tail detection).

Aggregated System State, used to display and record a more comprehensive view of what the system is doing. This mostly mirrors VE.Bus states, but adds more. It also breaks out separate conditions as flags.

/SystemState/State                 ->   0: Off
                                   ->   1: Low power
                                   ->   2: VE.Bus Fault condition
                                   ->   3: Bulk charging
                                   ->   4: Absorption charging
                                   ->   5: Float charging
                                   ->   6: Storage mode
                                   ->   7: Equalisation charging
                                   ->   8: Passthru
                                   ->   9: Inverting
                                   ->  10: Assisting
                                   -> 244: Battery Sustain (because Prefer Renewable Energy is enabled)
                                   -> 252: External control
                                   -> 256: Discharging
                                   -> 257: Sustain (battery voltage dropped below ESS dynamic cut-off)
                                   -> 258: Recharge
                                   -> 259: Scheduled recharge

System State flags:

/SystemState/BatteryLife           -> BatteryLife is active (in Settings->ESS->Mode)
/SystemState/ChargeDisabled        -> BMS has disabled charging
/SystemState/DischargeDisabled     -> BMS has disabled discharge
/SystemState/LowSoc                -> Battery at minimum configured SoC (Settings->ESS->Actual state of charge limit)
/SystemState/SlowCharge            -> Slow-charging from grid (if battery has been left discharged for too long).
/SystemState/UserChargeLimited     -> User configured a charge limit of 0
/SystemState/UserDischargeLimited  -> User configured a maximum inverter power of 0


/Timers/TimeOnGrid      -> Time spent connect to the grid since last reboot (in seconds)
/Timers/TimeOnGenerator -> Time spent on generator power since last reboot (in seconds)
/Timers/TimeOnInverter  -> Time spent inverting (grid disconnected) since last reboot (in seconds)
/Timers/TimeOff         -> Time that the inverter was off since last reboot (in seconds)

IO / hardware abstraction:



/SystemType                       -> Text string indicating hub-type corresponding with /Hub
/Hub                              -> 1: Hub-1, 2: Hub-2, 3: Hub-3, 4: ESS
/VebusInstance                    -> The VRM DeviceInstance of the VE.Bus service; for use over mqtt.
/VebusService                     -> Returns the service name of the vebus service
/PvInvertersProductIds            -> Returns a list of product ids for connected PV-inverters
/AutoSelectedBatteryMeasurement   -> The service used for battery voltage measurements and V-sense synchronisation.

ESS (formerly called Hub-4)

When writing functions that manipulate ESS, make sure to study the ESS manual and the Advanced ESS manual which documents mode 2 & 3.

In addition to these operational paths, also see the ESS related paths in settings.


/PvPowerLimiterActive        <- In the GUI this is visible as Fronius Zero-feed in active
/MaxChargePower              <- Active maximum charge power limit 
/MaxDischargePower           <- Active maximum discharge power limit
/Overrides/ForceCharge       <- Used by scheduled charging and DynamicEss to activate charging
/Overrides/MaxDischargePower <- Used by scheduled charging and DynamicEss to limit DC discharge power
/Overrides/Setpoint          <- Used by DynamicEss to override the AC Power setpoint; Can also be used by users when DynamicEss is not used.

Deprecated paths (use the same paths in .settings/Settings/CGWacs tree instead):


See localsettings for source.

Below list only contains the ESS related settings. There are many more, log into a device to see them.


/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint                  <- User setting: Grid set-point; Also see com.victronenergy.hub/Overrides/Setpoint.
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/DischargedSoc        <- Deprecated
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/DischargedTime       <- Internal
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/Flags                <- Internal
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit      <- User setting: Minimum Discharge SOC
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit             <- Output of the BatteryLife algorithm (read only)
/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State                <- ESS state (read & write, see below)
/Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode                         <- ESS mode (read & write, see below)
/Settings/CGwacs/MaxChargePercentage              <- Deprecated
/Settings/CGwacs/MaxChargePower                   <- User setting: Max Charge Power
/Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePercentage           <- Deprecated
/Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePower                <- User setting: Max Inverter Power
/Settings/CGwacs/OvervoltageFeedIn                <- User setting: Feed-in excess solar charger power (yes/no)
/Settings/CGwacs/PreventFeedback                  <- User setting: PV Inverter Zero Feed-in (on/off)
/Settings/CGwacs/RunWithoutGridMeter              <- User setting: Grid meter installed (on/off)

ESS mode (/Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode):

1: Optimized mode or 'keep batteries charged' and phase compensation enabled 
2: Optimized mode or 'keep batteries charged' and phase compensation disabled
3: External control

ESS state (/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State):

This path can both be read from, and written to.

For reading the ESS state:

0: No longer used.

Optimized mode with BatteryLife:
1: Value set by the GUI when BatteryLife is enabled. Hub4Control uses it to find the right BatteryLife state (values 2-7) based on system state
2: Self consumption
3: Self consumption, SoC exceeds 85%
4: Self consumption, SoC at 100%
5: SoC below BatteryLife dynamic SoC limit
6: SoC has been below SoC limit for more than 24 hours. Charging with battery with 5amps
7: Multi/Quattro is in sustain
8: Recharge, SOC dropped 5% or more below MinSOC.

Keep batteries charged mode:
9: 'Keep batteries charged' mode enabled

Optimized mode without BatteryLife:
10: Self consumption, SoC at or above minimum SoC
11: Self consumption, SoC is below minimum SoC
12: Recharge, SOC dropped 5% or more below minimum SoC

For changing the ESS state:

1:  Change the ESS mode to "Optimized (with BatteryLife)"
9:  Change the ESS mode to "Keep Batteries Charged"
10: Change the ESS mode to "Optimized (without BatteryLife)"

So to summarise:

To set the system to External Control:
- write 3 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode

To set the system to Keep Batteries charged:
- write 1 or 2 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode (1 enabled phase compensation; 2 disables it).
- write 9 to /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State

To set the system to Optimized
- write 1 or 2 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode (1 enabled phase compensation; 2 disables it).
- write 1 or 10 to /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State (1 for BatteryLife, 10 for without).

VE.Bus systems (Multis, Quattros, Inverters)


AC Input measurements:
/Ac/ActiveIn/*                          <- The ActiveIn paths show the readings of the
                                           current active input. Readings for the other,
                                           AC input are, unfortunately, not available.
                                           The hardware can only measure the data for the
                                           active one (which can also be not connected - ie.
/Ac/ActiveIn/L1/F                       <- Frequency
/Ac/ActiveIn/L1/I                       <- Current
/Ac/ActiveIn/L1/P                       <- Real power (or not, for very old devices, see
                                           /Ac/PowerMeasurementType, further below).
/Ac/ActiveIn/L1/S                       <- Note that all */S paths only change their
                                           value. No update of the change is transmitted
                                           in order to reduce D-Bus load. (and we don't
                                           need nor use the /S paths anywhere).
/Ac/ActiveIn/Lx/*                       <- Same as L1

/Ac/ActiveIn/P                          <- Total power.
/Ac/ActiveIn/S                          <- Total apparent power (and see */S node above)

AC Output measurements:
/Ac/Out/L*/*                            <- Same as ActiveIn, and also same */S paths
                                           restriction as explained above.
                                           There is only a measurement for the total output
                                           power; ie AC out1 & AC out 2 are not independently

ActiveIn other paths:
/Ac/ActiveIn/Connected                  <- 0 when inverting, 1 when connected to
                                           an AC in. Path is not available when
                                           VE.Bus is connected via VE.Can.
                                           DEPRECATED in favor of /Ac/ActiveIn/ActiveInput

/Ac/ActiveIn/ActiveInput                <- Active input: 0 = ACin-1, 1 = ACin-2,
                                           240 is none (inverting).
                                           Note open issue:
/Ac/ActiveIn/CurrentLimit               <- DEPRECATED in favor of /Ac/In/[1 and 2] paths
/Ac/ActiveIn/CurrentLimitIsAdjustable   <- DEPRECATED in favor of /Ac/In/[1 and 2] paths
                                           0 when disabled in VEConfigure, or when
                                           there is a VE.Bus BMS or DMC, etc.

/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimit                   <- these are the new and current paths to control input
/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimitIsAdjustable          current limits.

/Settings/SystemSetup/AcInput1          <- since approx v2.70 or v2.80, these paths exist and indicate the
/Settings/SystemSetup/AcInput2             type of that input: 0 (Not used), 1 (Grid), 2(Generator), 3(Shore).

/Ac/PowerMeasurementType                <- Indicates the type of power measurement used by the system. The
                                           best one, 4, is the method used for all recent hardware and software
                                           since 2018 or even earlier.
                                           0 = Apparent power only -> under the /P paths, apparent power
                                               is published.
                                           1 = Real power, but only measured by phase masters, and not
                                               synced in time. (And multiplied by number of units in
                                           2 = Real power, from all devices, but at different points in time
                                           3 = Real power, at the same time snapshotted, but only by the
                                               phase masters and then multiplied by number of units in
                                           4 = Real power, from all devices and at snaphotted at the same

Ac ignore AC in control:
/Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn1           <- 0=do not ignore, 1=ignore AcIn1, invalid=Not supported by Multifirmware
/Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn2           <- 0=do not ignore, 1=ignore AcIn2, invalid=Not supported by Multifirmware
                                     NOTE: The /Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn# dbus item is only available with Multi firmware version 502 and up.
                                           The actual ignore status is available on Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn# 

Ac state information:
/Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn1             <- 0 = AcIn1 is not ignored; 1 = AcIn1 is being ignored.
/Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn2             <- 0 = AcIn2 is not ignored; 1 = AcIn2 is being ignored.
                                     NOTE: AcIn can be ignored by "/Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn#, Grid code, BMS control, Assistants and Virtual Switch 

Ac/State/SplitPhaseL2L1OutSummed  <- 0 = L1 and L2 output power values seperately available; 1 = L1+L2 power values summed together.
                                     NOTE: is available only in the 120V versions for the North American markets.
                                           On some models L2 output power can not be reported separately when not in Passthru
/Ac/State/SplitPhaseL2Passthru    <- 0 = L1+L2 shorted together; 1 = L2 connected to external L2; Invalid = unused in this configuration
                                     NOTE: Split Phase Passthru is available only in the 120V versions for the North American markets.

For all alarms: 0=OK; 1=Warning; 2=Alarm
Generic alarms:
/Alarms/HighDcCurrent                   <- 0=OK; 2=High DC current condition in one or more Multis/Quattros
/Alarms/HighDcVoltage                   <- 0= K; 2=High DC voltage
/Alarms/PhaseRotation                   <- 0=OK, 1=Warning when AC input phase rotation direction is wrong 
/Alarms/TemperatureSensor               <- Battery temperature sensor alarm
Phase specific alarms:
/Alarms/L1/HighTemperature              <- inverter/charger high temperature alarm
/Alarms/L2/*                            <- same
/Alarms/L3/*                            <- same

Paths related to BMSes connected to the Multi or VE.Bus system (excluding Can-bus BMSes).
/Bms/AllowToCharge                      <- BMS allows the battery to be charged
/Bms/AllowToDischarge                   <- BMS allows the battery to be discharged
/Bms/BmsExpected                        <- Set if the Multi/Quattro is configured with a VE.Bus BMS.
/Bms/BmsType                            <- 1 = Two signal BMS; 2 = VE.Bus BMS
/Bms/Error                              <- BMS error code
/Bms/PreAlarm                           <- Raised a few seconds before the BMS disconnects on low battery

DC/Battery related information:
/Dc/0/Voltage                           <- Battery Voltage
/Dc/0/Current                           <- Battery current in Ampere, positive when charging
/Dc/0/Power                             <- Battery power in Watts, positive when charging
/Dc/0/Temperature                       <- Battery temperature in degrees Celsius

/Mode                                   <- Position of the switch.
                                           1=Charger Only;2=Inverter Only;3=On;4=Off
                                           Make sure to read CCGX manual, and limitations
                                           of this switch, for example when using a VE.Bus BMS.
/ModeIsAdjustable                       <- 0. Switch position cannot be controlled remotely (typically because a VE.Bus BMS is present).
                                           1. Switch position can be controlled remotely
/State                                  <- 0=Off;1=Low Power Mode;2=Fault;3=Bulk;4=Absorption;5=Float;
                                           6=Storage;7=Equalize;8=Passthru;9=Inverting;10=Power assist;
                                           11=Power supply mode;244=Sustain(Prefer Renewable Energy);252=External control
/VebusChargeState                       <- 1. Bulk
                                           2. Absorption
                                           3. Float
                                           4. Storage
                                           5. Repeat absorption
                                           6. Forced absorption
                                           7. Equalise
                                           8. Bulk stopped
/VebusSetChargeState                    <- 1. Force to Equalise. 1 hour 1, 2 or 4 V above
                                              absorption (12/24/48V). Charge current is limited
                                              to 1/4 of normal value. Will be followed by a normal
                                              24-hour float state.
                                           2. Force to Absorption, for maximum absorption time.
                                              Will be followed by a normal 24-hour float state.
                                           3. Force to Float, for 24 hours. 
                                           (from "Interfacing with VE.Bus products – MK2 Protocol" doc)

The new CurrentLimit paths, only available on VE.Bus 415 or later:
/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimit                   <- R/W for input current limit.
/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimit GetMin            <- not implemented!)
/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimit GetMax
/Ac/In/2/*                              <- same

LEDs: 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Blinking, 3 = Blinking inverted

BMS: only contains valid data if a VE.Bus BMS is present
/Bms/AllowToCharge     <- 0=No, 1=Yes
/Bms/AllowToDischarge  <- 0=No, 1=Yes
/Bms/BmsExpected       <- 0=No, 1=Yes
/Bms/Error             <- 0=No, 1=Yes

A full list of commonly used operational paths is available as
the modbusexcelsheet. See whitepaper section on our website.

More VE.Bus D-Bus documentation about ESS control and various
other more complex features is on the Victron internal wiki,

Multi RS and other future new inverter/chargers


AC Input measurements:
/Ac/In/1/L1/V                           <- Voltage of AC IN1 on L1
/Ac/In/1/L1/F                           <- Frequency of AC IN1 on L1
/Ac/In/1/L1/I                           <- Current of AC IN1 on L1
/Ac/In/1/L1/P                           <- Real power of AC IN1 on L1
/Ac/In/n/Lx/*                           <- Same for every input and every phase

AC Input settings:
/Ac/In/n/CurrentLimit                   <- The input current limit of AC INn; n=1 => AC IN1
/Ac/In/n/CurrentLimit GetMin            <- Minimum allowed current limit
/Ac/In/n/CurrentLimit GetMax            <- Maximum allowed current limit
/Ac/In/n/CurrentLimitIsAdjustable       <- Reflects whether the current limit is adjustable or not
                                           0 when disabled in VictronConnect
/Ac/In/1/Type                           <- AC IN1 type: 0 (Not used), 1 (Grid), 2(Generator), 3(Shore)
/Ac/In/n/Type                           <- Same for every input

AC Output measurements:
/Ac/Out/Lx/*                            <- Same as Ac/In

ActiveIn paths:
/Ac/ActiveIn/ActiveInput                <- Active input: 0 = ACin-1, 1 = AC in2, 240 = not connected. 

Other AC paths:

For all alarms: 0=OK; 1=Warning; 2=Alarm
Generic alarms:
/Alarms/LowSoc                          <- Low state of charge
/Alarms/LowVoltage                      <- Low battery voltage
/Alarms/HighVoltage                     <- High battery voltage
/Alarms/LowVoltageAcOut                 <- Low AC Out voltage
/Alarms/HighVoltageAcOut                <- High AC Out voltage
/Alarms/HighTemperature                 <- High device temperature
/Alarms/Overload                        <- Inverter overload
/Alarms/Ripple                          <- High DC ripple
/Dc/0/Voltage                           <- Battery Voltage
/Dc/0/Current                           <- Battery current in Ampere, positive when charging
/Dc/0/Temperature                       <- Battery temperature in degrees Celsius

/Mode                                   <- Position of the switch.
                                           1=Charger Only;2=Inverter Only;3=On;4=Off
/State                                  <- Charger state
                                           252=External control
/Soc                                    <- State of charge of internal battery monitor

PV tracker information:
/Pv/0/V                                 <- PV array voltage from 1st tracker
/Pv/x/V                                 <- PV array voltage from tracker x+1; todays max number of trackers in a single Victron product is 4
/Pv/0/P                                 <- PV array power (Watts) from 1st tracker
/Pv/x/P                                 <- PV array power from tracker no. x+1
/Pv/0/MppOperationMode                  <- Operating mode of the 1st tracker (See /MppOperationMode below, since v3.??)
/Pv/x/MppOperationMode                  <- Operating mode of tracker no. x+1 (See /MppOperationMode below, since v3.??)
/Pv/0/Name                              <- Custom name of the 1st tracker
/Pv/x/Name                              <- Custom name tracker no. x+1
/Yield/Power                            <- PV array power (Watts)
/Yield/User                             <- Total kWh produced (user resettable)
/Yield/System                           <- Total kWh produced (not resettable)
/MppOperationMode                       <- 0 = Off
                                           1 = Voltage or Current limited
                                           2 = MPPT Tracker active
                                           For products with multiple trackers, this is an aggregate of the separate tracker states. When one or more
                                           trackers are voltage/current limited, this value also shows voltage/current limited. If there is no tracker
                                           that is voltage/current limited, but one or more trackers are on (so mpp tracking), then the overall state
                                           is MPP tracking.


(managing service for Multi-RS and other inverter/chargers)

Also see the project README.

Mode and settings


/Ac/In/n/Type                     <--- Type of AC input configured in VictronConnect,
                                       1=Grid, 2=Genset, 3=Shore.
/Ac/In/n/CurrentLimit             <--- AC input current limit for input n
/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimitIsAdjustable <--- Whether current limit can be adjusted.
                                       All units must be adjustable otherwise
                                       this will be 0.
/Mode                             <--- Switch position. Sent to one RS only, the RSes sync this themselves
/Ess/AcPowerSetpoint              <--- AC power setpoint
/Ess/DisableFeedIn                <--- Disable grid feedin (at metering point)
/Ess/UseInverterPowerSetpoint     <--- InverterPowerSetpoint is used instead of
                                       AcPowerSetpoint. Used by DynamicEss.
/Ess/InverterPowerSetpoint        <--- How much DC to convert from/to AC, positive
                                       values charges the battery, negative
                                       discharges the battery.
/Settings/Ess/MinimumSocLimit     <--- Minimum SOC limit for ESS
/Settings/Ess/Mode                <--- ESS mode
                                   * 0 = Optimised with BatteryLife
                                   * 1 = Optimised without BatteryLife
                                   * 2 = Keep Batteries Charged
                                   * 3 = External Control

/Settings/AlarmLevel/...          <--- Disable, warn, or only alarm.


/Capabilities/HasAcPassthroughSupport <--- All RS units support passthru
/Capabilities/HasDynamicEssSupport    <--- DynamicEss is supported


/State                   <--- Summarised state of the system
/Ac/ActiveIn/ActiveInput <--- Active AC input(s) on RS units. All units are
                              expected to be the same, otherwise this will
                              show invalid.
/Ac/In/n/Lx/I            <--- Total current drawn on phase x, input n
/Ac/In/n/Lx/P            <--- Total power drawn on phase x, input n
/Ac/In/n/P               <--- Total power drawn over all phases
/Ac/NumberOfAcInputs     <--- Number of AC inputs
/Ac/NumberOfPhases       <--- Number of phases
/Ac/Out/Lx/I             <--- Total current drawn on output
/Ac/Out/Lx/P             <--- Total power drawn on output

/Devices/x/Service     <--- List of service/instances that make up this service


(vedirect inverters & Inverter RS)

/Alarms/LowVoltage          <- 0=No Alarm; 1=Warning; 2=Alarm

/Dc/0/Voltage             <- Battery voltage
/Ac/Out/L1/V              <- AC Output voltage
/Ac/Out/L1/I              <- AC Output current
/Ac/Out/L1/P              <- Not used on vedirect inverters 
/Mode                     <- Switch position: 2=Inverter on; 4=Off; 5=Low Power/ECO
/State                    <- 0=Off; 1=Low Power; 2=Fault; 9=Inverting
/Relay/0/State            <- Not used on vedirect inverters



/Dc/0/Voltage               <- V DC
/Dc/0/Current               <- A DC positive when charged, negative when discharged
/Dc/0/Power                 <- W positive when charged, negative when discharged
/Dc/0/Temperature           <- °C Battery temperature (BMV-702 configured to read
                               temperature only)
/Dc/0/MidVoltage            <- V DC Mid voltage (BMV-702 configured to read midpoint
                               voltage only)
/Dc/0/MidVoltageDeviation   <- Percentage deviation

/Dc/1/Voltage               <- V DC - Starter voltage (BMV-702 configured to read starter
                               battery voltage only)

/ConsumedAmphours           <- Ah (BMV, Lynx BMS).
/Soc                        <- 0 to 100 % (BMV, BYD, Lynx BMS)
/TimeToGo                   <- Time to in seconds (BMV "SOC relay/discharge floor" value, Lynx BMS).  Max value 864,000 when battery is not discharging.

DVCC & BOL related paths. These are published by batteries.
/Info/MaxChargeCurrent      <- Charge Current Limit aka CCL 
                               (BYD, Lynx BMS and FreedomWon)
/Info/MaxDischargeCurrent   <- Discharge Current Limit aka DCL
                               (BYD, Lynx BMS and FreedomWon)
/Info/MaxChargeVoltage      <- Maximum voltage to charge to
                               (BYD, Lynx BMS and FreedomWon)
/Info/BatteryLowVoltage     <- Note that Low Voltage is ignored by the system
                               (BYD, Lynx BMS and FreedomWon)
/Info/ChargeRequest         <- Battery is extremely low and needs to be charged
                               (BYD, Pylontech and BlueNova)

For all alarms: 0=OK; 1=Warning; 2=Alarm
/Alarms/Alarm              <- Generic alarm condition (deprecated; ignored by GUI & VRM)
/Alarms/LowVoltage         <- BMV, BYD, Lynx BMS
/Alarms/HighVoltage        <- BMV, BYD, Lynx BMS
/Alarms/LowStarterVoltage  <- BMV-702 configured to read starter battery voltage only
/Alarms/HighStarterVoltage <- BMV-702 configured to read starter battery voltage only
/Alarms/LowSoc             <- BMV, Lynx BMS
/Alarms/HighChargeCurrent  <- BYD
/Alarms/HighDischargeCurrent <- BYD
/Alarms/HighCurrent        <= Lynx Smart BMS
/Alarms/CellImbalance      <- BYD
/Alarms/InternalFailure    <- BYD
/Alarms/HighChargeTemperature <- BYD
/Alarms/LowChargeTemperature  <- BYD
/Alarms/LowCellVoltage     <- Lynx BMS
/Alarms/LowTemperature     <- BMV, Lynx BMS, BYD
/Alarms/HighTemperature    <- BMV, Lynx BMS, BYD
/Alarms/MidVoltage         <- Midpoint deviation, BMV only when configured to monitor
                              the midpoint.
/Alarms/Contactor          <- Lynx Smart BMS
/Alarms/BmsCable           <- Lynx Smart BMS; disabled in firmware
/Alarms/HighInternalTemperature <- Lynx Smart BMS
/Alarms/FuseBlown          <- Lynx Shunt VE.Can


/Relay/0/State             <- Read to see the state of the relay in the Battery Monitor. In case configured
                              to the "Remote" mode, using the VictronConnect App, the relay can be controlled
                              by writing to this path.
                              More information also here:


Lynx Smart BMS & Lynx Ion Only:

Lynx Smart BMS:
/NrOfDistributors                    <= Number of connected distributors (up to 8)
                                        Note that this does not reflect which distributors are connected, 
                                        i.e. B & D can be present whithout A & B being present
/Distributor/A/Status                <= 0=Not available, 1=Connected, 2=No bus power, 3=Communications Lost
/Distributor/A/Alarms/ConnectionLost <= 0=Ok, 2=Alarm
/Distributor/A/Fuse/0/Name           <= UTF-8 string, limited to 16 bytes in firmware
/Distributor/A/Fuse/0/Status         <= 0=Not available, 1=Not used, 2=Ok, 3=Blown
/Distributor/A/Fuse/0/Alarms/Blown   <= 0=Ok, 2=Alarm
/Distributor/A/Fuse/n/*              <= Repeat for every fuse in the distributor
/Distributor/B/...                   <= Repeat for every distributor (A-E)

Solar chargers


Number of trackers:
/NrOfTrackers: Number of trackers, usually 1 for all common MPPTs, and 2 or 4 for MPPT RS.

PV Array voltages, currents and state:
/Pv/V                  <- PV array voltage, path exists only for single tracker product (all common MPPTs)
/Pv/0/V                <- PV array voltage from 1st tracker
/Pv/x/V                <- PV array voltage from tracker x+1; today's max number of trackers in a single Victron product is 4.
/Pv/0/P                <- PV array power (Watts) from 1st tracker
/Pv/x/P                <- PV array power from tracker no. x+1. 
/Pv/0/MppOperationMode <- Operating mode of the 1st tracker (See /MppOperationMode below, since v3.00)
/Pv/x/MppOperationMode <- Operating mode of tracker no. x+1  (See /MppOperationMode below, since v3.00)
/Pv/0/Name             <- Custom name of the 1st tracker (since v3.??)
/Pv/x/Name             <- Custom name tracker no. x+1 (since v3.??)

/Yield/Power           <- Total PV power (Watts).
/MppOperationMode      <- 0 = Off
                          1 = Voltage or Current limited
                          2 = MPPT Tracker active (The maximum available power is taken from PV array)
                          For products with multiple trackers, this is an aggregate of the separate tracker states. When one or more
                          trackers are voltage/current limited, this value also shows voltage/current limited. If there is no tracker
                          that is voltage/current limited, but one or more trackers are on (so mpp tracking), then the overall state
                          is MPP tracking.

  Two examples:
  1) a solar charger with one tracker has 3 paths:

  2) a solar charger with two trackers has 8 paths:
  /Yield Power

  deprecated per v2.80:
  /Pv/I                <- PV current (= /Yield/Power divided by /Pv/V)

External control:
/Link/NetworkMode    <- Bitmask
                        0x1 = External control
                        0x4 = External voltage/current control
                        0x8 = Controled by BMS (causes Error #67, BMS lost, if external control is interrupted).
/Link/BatteryCurrent <- When SCS is enabled on the GX device, the battery current is written here to improve tail-current detection.
/Link/ChargeCurrent  <- Maximum charge current. Must be written every 60 seconds. Used by GX device if there is a BMS or user limit.
/Link/ChargeVoltage  <- Charge voltage. Must be written every 60 seconds. Used by GX device to communicate BMS charge voltages.
/Link/NetworkStatus  <- Bitmask
                        0x01 = Slave
                        0x02 = Master
                        0x04 = Standalone
                        0x20 = Using I-sense (/Link/BatteryCurrent)
                        0x40 = Using T-sense (/Link/TemperatureSense)
                        0x80 = Using V-sense (/Link/VoltageSense)
/Link/TemperatureSense       <- When STS is enabled, the GX device will write the battery temperature here
/Link/TemperatureSenseActive <- Indicate when temperature sense is in use
/Link/VoltageSense           <- When SVS is active, the GX device will write the battery voltage here
/Link/VoltageSenseActive     <- INdicate when voltage sense is in use

/Settings/BmsPresent         <- BMS in the system. External control is expected.
                                This happens automatically if NetworkMode is set to expect a BMS.
/Settings/ChargeCurrentLimit <- The maximum configured (non-volatile) charge current. This is the same as set by VictronConnect.

Other paths:
/Dc/0/Voltage     <- Actual battery voltage
/Dc/0/Current     <- Actual charging current
/Yield/User       <- Total kWh produced (user resettable)
/Yield/System     <- Total kWh produced (not resettable)
/Load/State       <- Whether the load is on or off
/Load/I           <- Current from the load output
/ErrorCode        <- 0=No error
                     1=Battery temperature too high
                     2=Battery voltage too high
                     3=Battery temperature sensor miswired (+)
                     4=Battery temperature sensor miswired (-)
                     5=Battery temperature sensor disconnected
                     6=Battery voltage sense miswired (+)
                     7=Battery voltage sense miswired (-)
                     8=Battery voltage sense disconnected
                     9=Battery voltage wire losses too high
                     17=Charger temperature too high
                     18=Charger over-current
                     19=Charger current polarity reversed
                     20=Bulk time limit reached
                     22=Charger temperature sensor miswired
                     23=Charger temperature sensor disconnected
                     34=Input current too high
/State            <- 0=Off
                     252=External control
/History/*        <- Contains values about the last month's history
                     (Only for VE.Direct solarchargers)
/Mode             <- 1=On; 4=Off
                     Writeable for both VE.Direct & VE.Can solar chargers

/DeviceOffReason  <- Bitmask indicating the reason(s) that the MPPT is in Off State
                     0x01 = No/Low input power
                     0x02 = Disabled by physical switch
                     0x04 = Remote via Device-mode or push-button
                     0x08 = Remote input connector
                     0x10 = Internal condition preventing startup
                     0x20 = Need token for operation
                     0x40 = Signal from BMS
                     0x80 = Engine shutdown on low input voltage
                     0x100 = Converter is off to read input voltage accurately
                     0x200 = Low temperature
                     0x400 = no/low panel power
                     0x800 = no/low battery power
                     0x8000 = Active alarm

/Relay/0/State    <- Read to see the state of the relay in the Battery Monitor. In case configured
                     to the "Remote" mode, using the VictronConnect App [SEE NOTE], the relay can be controlled
                     by writing to this path.
                     More information also here:

                     NOTE: currently, 2022-08-17, VictronConnect does not yet offer that settings. It is
                     planned for later in 2022. Until then, the relay control in the MPPT cannot be set to this mode by
                     any available ready to use Victron software.

DCDC converters

This includes the Orion XS non-isolated DC/DC charger.

/Dc/0/Current                <- Output current
/Dc/0/Power                  <- Output power
/Dc/0/Voltage                <- Output voltage
/Dc/In/I                     <- Input current
/Dc/In/P                     <- Input power
/Dc/In/V                     <- Input voltage
/DeviceOffReason             <- Reason why device is off; See solar charger section
/ErrorCode                   <- Error code; See solar charger section
/Mode                        <- 1=On; 4=Off
/Settings/DeviceFunction     <- 0=Charger(=Alternator), 1=PSU(=dcdc)
/State                       <- 0=Off

PV Inverters


/Ac/Energy/Forward     <- kWh  - Total produced energy over all phases
/Ac/Power              <- W    - Total power of all phases, preferably real power
/Ac/L1/Current         <- A AC
/Ac/L1/Energy/Forward  <- kWh
/Ac/L1/Power           <- W
/Ac/L1/Voltage         <- V AC
/Ac/L2/*               <- same as L1
/Ac/L3/*               <- same as L1

/Ac/Current            <- A AC - Deprecated
/Ac/Voltage            <- V AC - Deprecated

/Ac/MaxPower           <- Max rated power (in Watts) of the inverter
/Ac/PowerLimit         <- Used by the Fronius Zero-feedin feature, see ESS manual.
                          Path must be invalid or non-existent for PV Inverters
                          that do not implement Zero Feed-in power control.

/ErrorCode             <- 0=No Error
/FroniusDeviceType     <- Fronius specific product id list
/Position              <- 0=AC input 1; 1=AC output; 2=AC input 2
/StatusCode            <- 0=Startup 0; 1=Startup 1; 2=Startup 2; 3=Startup
                          3; 4=Startup 4; 5=Startup 5; 6=Startup 6; 7=Running;
                          8=Standby; 9=Boot loading; 10=Error

AC chargers


/Ac/In/L1/I            <- A AC
/Ac/In/L1/P            <- W
/Ac/In/CurrentLimit    <- A AC

/NrOfOutputs           <- The actual number of outputs.
/Dc/0/Voltage          <- V DC
/Dc/0/Current          <- A DC
/Dc/0/Temperature      <- °C - Battery temperature
/Dc/1/...              <- Same as /Dc/0/...
/Dc/2/...              <- Same as /Dc/0/...

/State                 <- 0=Off
                          7=Equalize (manual)
                          11=Power supply mode
                          246=Repeated absorption
                          247=Auto equalize/Recondition
/Mode                  <- 1=On; 4=Off
/ErrorCode             <- 0=No error 
                          1=Battery temperature too high
                          2=Battery voltage too high
                          3=Battery temperature sensor miswired (+)
                          4=Battery temperature sensor miswired (-)
                          5=Battery temperature sensor disconnected
                          6=Battery voltage sense miswired (+)
                          7=Battery voltage sense miswired (-)
                          8=Battery voltage sense disconnected
                          9=Battery voltage wire losses too high
                          17=Charger temperature too high
                          18=Charger over-current
                          20=Bulk time limit reached
                          34=Internal error
                          37=No input voltage
                          65=Device disappeared during parallel operation 
                          66=Incompatible device encountered for parallel operation 
                          67=BMS connection lost 
                          113=Internal error
                          114=Internal error
                          115=Communication lost
                          116=Internal error
                          117=Internal error
                          118=Internal error
                          119=Settings invalid/corrupted
                          120=Internal reference voltage failure
/Relay/0/State         <- 0=Disengaged; 1=Engaged. For most chargers this path is either not available, or
                          read only. Only the relay in Phoenix Smart Chargers is remote controllable. To be
                          able to do that, use VictronConnect to set the Relay Mode to remote control.
                          Note that its use is limited: the relay is only powered (and thus
                          only controllable) when the charger is switched on. It doesn't work when it's
                          turned off with AC connected.
                          More information also here:
/Alarms/LowVoltage     <- 0=Inactive; 1=Active
/Alarms/HighVoltage    <- 0=Inactive; 1=Active

Grid (and genset) meter

com.victronenergy.genset (when used to measure a genset)

/Ac/Energy/Forward     <- kWh  - bought energy (total of all phases)
/Ac/Energy/Reverse     <- kWh  - sold energy (total of all phases)
/Ac/Power              <- W    - total of all phases, real power

/Ac/Current            <- A AC - Deprecated
/Ac/Voltage            <- V AC - Deprecated

/Ac/L1/Current         <- A AC
/Ac/L1/Energy/Forward  <- kWh  - bought
/Ac/L1/Energy/Reverse  <- kWh  - sold
/Ac/L1/Power           <- W, real power
/Ac/L1/Voltage         <- V AC
/Ac/L2/*               <- same as L1
/Ac/L3/*               <- same as L1


These measurements originate from either the built-in wired temperature inputs on the GX device (Cerbo GX and Venus GX), or the wireless sensors made by Ruuvi.


/Temperature        degrees Celcius
/TemperatureType    0=battery; 1=fridge; 2=generic

Wired inputs only:
/Status             0=Ok; 1=Disconnected; 2=Short circuited; 3=Reverse polarity; 4=Unknown
/Scale              <- normally not necessary! devices should be calibrated.
/Offset             <- normally not necessary! devices should be calibrated.

Ruuvis only:
/BatteryVoltage     <- Sensor battery voltage
/Humidity           <- example: 62.9275016784668
/Pressure           <- example: 102.10400390625
/SeqNo              <- 17640
/TxPower            <- example: 4.0

Warning! We might still remove or dampen some of the above extra paths. While they are nice, for us they're only nice to have. And they create a load on the system since they update regularly, especially SeqNo and the Accelx,y,z. And then with for example 5 sensors its suddenly quite the extra load; reducing maximum number of installable solar chargers, for example.

Tank levels


/Level              0 to 100%
/Remaining          m3
/Status             0=Ok; 1=Disconnected; 2=Short circuited; 3=Unknown
/Capacity           m3
/FluidType          0=Fuel; 1=Fresh water; 2=Waste water; 3=Live well; 4=Oil; 5=Black water (sewage)
                    6=Gasoline; 7=Diesel; 8=Liquid  Petroleum Gas (LPG); 9=Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
                    10=Hydraulic oil; 11=Raw water
                    This Fluidtype enumeration is kept in sync with NMEA2000 definitions.
/Standard           0=European (resistive); 1=USA (resistive); 2=Not applicable (used for Voltage and Amp sensors)

Note that these are not supported on all tanks, for example for N2K-connected tanks it doesnt
work, while for GX Tank, as well as built-in tank inputs in Cerbo GX & Venus GX it does.

/Alarms/High/Active       <-- configuration: the activate level. For example 10%
/Alarms/High/Delay        <-- configuration: delay in seconds
/Alarms/High/Enable       <-- configuration: enable/disable alarm switch
/Alarms/High/Restore      <-- configuration: the restore level, ie the hysterises. For example 15%.
/Alarms/High/State        <-- alarm state: DBUS-INVALID when the alarm is disabled; otherwise either 1 or 0.
/Alarms/Low/*             <-- same as above

Same note. Not available for N2K connected tanks. Battery voltage and temperature are only available for Mopeka sensors
/FilterLength            <-- averaging filter, probably in seconds - to find out, compare with UI.
/RawUnit                 <-- can be V, and probably also mA and R or O.
/Shape                   <-- shape configuration (?)

Pulse meters and digital inputs


Generator data

The below paths apply to Fischer Panda, ComAp and Hatz generators. Other generators should have similar data, but may not have all the same values. As support for more generators is implemented, this will be extended.

For more information about the Fischer Panda integration, see the Venus & Fischer Panda manual.

For more information about ComAp integration, see the comap module in dbus-modbus-client.

Note that the data from the generator, and the more generic start/stop module are two different things and also have two different D-Bus paths:

  1. com.victronenergy.(dc)genset -> used for generator data, like voltages, RPM, oil pressure etcetera.
  2. com.victronenergy.generator -> start/stop code in Venus OS. Can activate a relay, but also, in case of Fischer panda, a generator directly via D-Bus.

Populated for AC generators:
/Ac/Energy/Forward     <- kWh  - total energy produced by genset (optional)
/Ac/Power              <- W    - total of all phases, real power
/Ac/Frequency          <- Hz

/Ac/L1/Current         <- A AC
/Ac/L1/Power           <- W, real power
/Ac/L1/Voltage         <- V AC
/Ac/L2/*               <- same as L1
/Ac/L3/*               <- same as L1

/NrOfPhases            <- 1, 2 or 3

Populated for DC generators, i.e. Fischer Panda AGT and Hatz:
/Dc/0/Voltage               <- DC output voltage, V
/Dc/0/Current               <- DC output current, A
/HeatsinkTemperature        <- °C

/RemoteStartModeEnabled     <- 0=Disabled; 1=Enabled (read-only) (Was `AutoStart` in Venus 3.40 and earlier)
                               Needs to be 1 in order to start generator using the /Start path.
                               For Fischer Panda the remote start mode feature can only be enabled from fpControl panel.
/EnableRemoteStartMode      <- (Optional) Engage genset controller mode, which enables remote start/stop; Write 1 to enable
                               The path is only available for genset controllers, that support that functionality.

/Error/0/Id                 <- ""=No error (see error codes section on the top of this page for more details)
                               "fischerpanda:e-": Fischer Panda error codes
                               "dse:e-": DSE error codes
                               "hatz:[we]-": Hatz warning/error codes
/ModuleId                   <- Internal Fischer Panda module Id
/Start                      <- Start genset; 0=Stop; 1=Start; /RemoteStartModeEnabled must be 1
                               Note that the /Start item is controlled by the generator start/stop service as
                               long as /RemoteStartModeEnabled is set to 1. Manually starting/stopping the generator needs 
                               to be done by writing to com.victronenergy.generator.startstop1/ManualStart.
/StarterVoltage             <- Starter battery voltage
/StatusCode                 <- 0=Standby; 1..7=Startup; 8=Running; 9=Stopping; 10=Error

/Engine/CoolantTemperature  <- °C
/Engine/ExaustTemperature   <- °C
/Engine/Load                <- 0 to 100%
/Engine/OilPressure         <- kPa
/Engine/OilTemperature      <- °C
/Engine/OperatingHours      <- in seconds
/Engine/Speed               <- rpm
/Engine/WindingTemperature  <- °C
/Engine/Starts              <- absolute count  

Generator start/stop

Presently two types of generator start/stop services are supported.

  • Relay 1 on a GX device
  • Multiple models & types of connected gensets, both AC and DC gensets.
    • ComAp
    • CRE
    • DEIF
    • DSE
    • Fischer Panda
    • Hatz

There can be multiple start/stop services. The service name starts with com.victronenergy.generator, and the fourth component will be startstop0, startstop1 and so forth. Do not rely on the fourth component of the dbus name to identify the service. Most systems will only have one start/stop service, depending on whether the relay of the GX-device is used, or a FischerPanda generator is available on the CAN-bus.

The following paths apply to generator start/stop services:


/Alarms/NoGeneratorAtAcIn       <- If configured for it, the alarm will be triggered if the generator 
                                         is not detected at the Multi/Quattro AC Input. 
                                         0 = No alarm, 2 = Alarm
/Alarms/AutoStartDisabled       <- Autostart alarm is armed, but autostart is disabled: 0 = OK; 2 = Alarm
                                   (this could happen if after service autostart is not re-enabled)
/Alarms/ServiceIntervalExceeded <- The generator is in need of a service: 0 = OK; 1 = Service required.
/AutoStartEnabled               <- 0 = Auto stop/start disabled; 1 = Auto stop-start enabled
/DigitalInput/Input             <- The digital input number that is signalling the startstop instance that the generator is running. 0 if no 
                                   digital input is configured.
/DigitalInput/Running           <- 0 / 1: The generator is not running / running according to the digital input.
/Enabled                        <- 0 = Generator start/stop disabled; 1 = Generator start/stop enabled. Generator start/stop will only be 
                                   disabled if there is a connected genset which requires a helper relay but the helper relay is not 
/Error                          <- 0 = No error, 1 = Remote control disabled, 2 = Remote in fault condition
/GensetService                  <- The genset service that this startstop instance is controlling
/GensetServiceType              <- The type of genset service that this startstop instance is controlling: "genset" or "dcgenset"
/ManualStart                    <- Generator manual start. 0 = Stop, 1 = Start
/ManualStartTimer               <- Set it before a manual start to make the generator run for a fixed
                                         amount of seconds. Once the generator is started it indicates the
                                         seconds left until the generator is stopped.
/NextTestRun                    <- Seconds until the next periodic test run
/QuietHours                     <- Indicates if in quiet hours period.
                                         0 = Not in quiet hours, 1 = Quiet hours
/RunningByCondition             <- Condition that started or is keeping the generator running.
                                         Values = soc, acload, batterycurrent, batteryvoltage, inverterhightemp,
                                         inverteroverload, testrun, lossofcomunication, manual
/RunningByConditionCode         <- Same as `RunningByCondition` but in numeric codes. Stopped = 0,
                                         Manual = 1, TestRun = 2, LossOfCommunication = 3, Soc = 4, Acload = 5,
                                         BatteryCurrent = 6, BatteryVoltage = 7, InverterHighTemp = 8, InverterOverload = 9
/Runtime                        <- Seconds that the generator is running since it started. After one minute of runtime it updates
                               once per minute.
/SkipTestRun                    <- Indicates if the next test run will be skipped because it is not necessary
/State                          <- 0=Stopped; 1=Running; 2=Warm-up; 3=Cool-down;4=Stopping; 10=Error
/ServiceCounter                 <- Time left in hours, until service is required; Negative if service is overdue.
/ServiceCounterReset            <- Write 1 to reset the service counter.
/TestRunIntervalRuntime         <- Run time since last test run (seconds)
/TodayRuntime                   <- Today's run time (seconds)
/Type                           <- 0=Generic relay switched, 1=Fischer Panda (more may follow in future).


Vecan-dbus makes a com.victronenergy.vecan service. It can be used to (a) see the list of devices found on the canbus (NMT) and update for example their instances. Also (b) the service provides paths that can be used to broadcast data onto the canbus:

Broadcast paths:

Single shot (per v2.80~32 or later):

Repeated on interval with time-out:
/Link/ChargeVoltage     <—- part of ESS

Above paths are being written to by Systemcalc. They’re part of ESS and DVCC.

Note for the above broadcast-paths: the device instance as configured for the gx device is used. And that instance is used by the solar chargers and other devices on the bus to either ignore or use such broadcasted data.


Alternators can be a digital interface to an alternator controller; such as the Wakespeed WS500 and Arco Zeus controllers. They can also be an OrionXS DC/DC charger. And otherwise a Victron SmartShunt configured to be an energy meter rather than a battery monitor.

alternator is com.victronenergy.alternator
dcsource is com.victronenergy.dcsource

/Dc/0/Voltage                <- V DC
/Dc/0/Current                <- A, positive when alternator is charging
/Dc/0/Temperature            <- Degrees centigrade, alternator temperature reading, or temperature sensor on SmarShunt/BMV (not available for OrionXS)
/Dc/1/Voltage                <- SmartShunt/BMV secondary battery voltage (if configured)

DC meter:
/History/EnergyOut           <- Total energy generated by Alternator
/Alarms/LowVoltage           <- Low voltage alarm
/Alarms/HighVoltage          <- High voltage alarm
/Alarms/LowStarterVoltage    <- Low voltage secondary battery
/Alarms/HighStarterVoltage   <- High voltage secondary battery
/Alarms/LowTemperature       <- Low temperature alarm
/Alarms/HighTemperature      <- High temperature alarm

Wakespeed WS500/Arco Zeus:
/Engine/Speed                <- Engine RPN
/FieldDrive                  <- Current limit in %
/Speed                       <- Alternator RPM
/State                       <- 0=Off
                                252=External control

/Dc/0/Power                  <- Battery power
/Dc/In/V                     <- Input voltage
/Dc/In/I                     <- Input current
/Dc/In/P                     <- Input power
/DeviceOffReason             <- Reason why device is off; See solar charger section
/ErrorCode                   <- Error code; See solar charger section
/History/*                   <- Contains information about the charging cycles
/Link/BatteryCurrent         <- When SCS is enabled on the GX device, the battery current is written here to improve tail-current detection
/Link/ChargeCurrent          <- Charge current limit. Must be written every 60 seconds. Used if a managed battery or user defines a current limit.
/Link/ChargeVoltage          <- Charge voltage sent by a managed battery is written here
/Link/CurrentSenseActive     <- Indicates whether current sense is active
/Link/NetworkMode            <- Bitmask
                                0x1 = External control
                                0x4 = External voltage/current control
                                0x8 = Controled by BMS (causes Error #67, BMS lost, if external control is interrupted).
/Link/NetworkStatus          <- Bitmask
                                0x01 = Slave
                                0x02 = Master
                                0x04 = Standalone
                                0x20 = Using I-sense (/Link/BatteryCurrent)
                                0x40 = Using T-sense (/Link/TemperatureSense)
                                0x80 = Using V-sense (/Link/VoltageSense)
/Link/TemperatureSense       <- When STS is enabled, the battery temperature is written here
/Link/TemperatureSenseActive <- indicates when STS is in use
/Link/VoltageSense           <- When SVS is used, or when ESS is used, voltage sensed by the battery/multi is written here.
/Link/VoltageSenseActive     <- SVS is in use
/Mode                        <- 1=On; 4=Off
/Settings/BmsPresent         <- A bms is controlling the DCDC charger; This enables automatically if NetworkMode indicates BMS is present.
/Settings/DeviceFunction     <- 0=Charger(=Alternator), 1=PSU(=dcdc)
/Settings/ChargeCurrentLimit <- Maximum configured charge current of controller.
/Settings/MonitorMode        <- Specifies type of DC source (not available for OrionXS)
                                -1=DC Generator
                                -2=AC Charger
                                -3=DC/DC Charger
                                -4=Water Generator
                                -7=Shaft Generator
                                -8=Wind Charger
/State                       <- 0=Off
                              252=External control


fuelcell is com.victronenergy.fuelcell

/Dc/0/Voltage              <-- V DC
/Dc/0/Current              <-- A, positive when fuel cell is generating power
/Dc/0/Temperature          <-- Degrees centigrade, temperature sensor on SmarShunt/BMV
/Dc/1/Voltage              <-- SmartShunt/BMV secondary battery voltage (if configured)
/History/EnergyOut         <-- Total energy generated by Fuel cell
/Alarms/LowVoltage         <-- Low voltage alarm
/Alarms/HighVoltage        <-- High voltage alarm
/Alarms/LowStarterVoltage  <-- Low voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/HighStarterVoltage <-- High voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/LowTemperature     <-- Low temperature alarm
/Alarms/HighTemperature    <-- High temperature alarm


This section defines the new N2K based motor drive paths, however com.victronenergy.motordrive has 
existed for a while although not very common, there is an existing profile, see vrmlogger 
for example. Also DC meters, like the SmartShunt, configured to DC meter type "Electric Drive" 
uses com.victronenergy.motordrive.

/Dc/0/Voltage              <-- V DC
/Dc/0/Current              <-- A, can be negative and positive depending on if regeneration works.
/Dc/0/Temperature          <-- Degrees centigrade, temperature of the motor

/Controller/Temperature    <-- Temperature as reported by the controller (optional)
/Coolant/Temperature       <-- Temperature of the coolant (optional)
/Motor/Temperature         <-- Temperature as reported by the motor (optional)
/Motor/RPM                 <-- Motor speed (optional)
/Motor/Direction           <-- Direction the motor is spinning, forward or reverse (optional)


dcsystem is com.victronenergy.dcsystem

/Dc/0/Voltage              <-- V DC
/Dc/0/Current              <-- A, positive when power is consumed by DC loads, if there are chargers in your dcsystem
/Dc/0/Temperature          <-- Degrees centigrade, temperature sensor on SmarShunt/BMV
/Dc/1/Voltage              <-- SmartShunt/BMV secondary battery voltage (if configured)
/History/EnergyOut         <-- Total energy generated by dcsystem
/History/EnergyIn          <-- Total energy consumed by dcsystem
/Alarms/LowVoltage         <-- Low voltage alarm
/Alarms/HighVoltage        <-- High voltage alarm
/Alarms/LowStarterVoltage  <-- Low voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/HighStarterVoltage <-- High voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/LowTemperature     <-- Low temperature alarm
/Alarms/HighTemperature    <-- High temperature alarm



/Dc/0/Voltage              <-- V DC
/Dc/0/Current              <-- A, positive when power is consumed by DC loads
/Dc/0/Temperature          <-- Degrees centigrade, temperature sensor on SmarShunt/BMV
/Dc/1/Voltage              <-- SmartShunt/BMV secondary battery voltage (if configured)
/History/EnergyIn          <-- Total energy consumed by dc load(s).
/Alarms/LowVoltage         <-- Low voltage alarm
/Alarms/HighVoltage        <-- High voltage alarm
/Alarms/LowStarterVoltage  <-- Low voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/HighStarterVoltage <-- High voltage secondary battery (if configured)
/Alarms/LowTemperature     <-- Low temperature alarm
/Alarms/HighTemperature    <-- High temperature alarm



/Ac/Energy/Forward         <-- 
/Ac/L1/Power               <-- L1 Power used (W)
/Ac/L2/Power               <-- L2 Power used (W) 
/Ac/L3/Power               <-- L3 Power used (W)
/Ac/Power                  <-- AC Power (W)
/AutoStart                 <-- 0=Charger autostart disabled
                               1=Charger autostart enabled
/ChargingTime              <-- Total charging time (seconds)
/Connected                 <-- 
/Current                   <-- Charging current actual (A)
/EnableDisplay             <-- Control via display
                               0=control disabled, 1=control enabled
/MaxCurrent                <-- Max current (A)
/Mode                      <-- 0=Manual
/Model                     <-- Model, e.g. AC22E or AC22NS (for No Screen)
/Position                  <-- 
/Role                      <-- 
/SetCurrent                <-- Charging current (A)
/StartStop                 <-- 
/Status                    <-- 0=disconnected, 1=connected, 2=charging, 3=charged,
                               4=waiting for sun, 5=waiting for RFID, 6=waiting for start,
                               7=low SOC, 8=ground test error, 9=welded contacts error,
                               10=CP input test error (shorted), 11=residual current detected,
                               12=undervoltage detected, 13=overvoltage detected,
                               14=overheating detected, 15-19=reserved,
                               20=charging limit


/State             -> State of heat pump (enum to be decided later)
/Temperature       -> Current water temperature (optional if no temperature reading available)
/TargetTemperature -> Target water temperature (optional if not available)
/Ac/Power          -> Power currently consumed
/Ac/Energy/Forward -> Total energy consumed



/ShowCurrent    <-- ES uses this in the GUI to show current in their (custom) control page. - DEPRECATED? SEE BELOW
                    Stored on the SmartSwitch.
/ShowVoltage    <-- ES uses this in the GUI to show voltage in their (custom) control page. - DEPRECATED? SEE BELOW
                    Stored on the SmartSwitch.
/NrOfChannels   <-- the number of channels
/MinFuse        <-- Minimum fuse index supported by device, to be used in the GUI for configuration - DEPRECATED? SEE BELOW
/MaxFuse        <-- Maximum fuse index supported by device, to be used in the GUI for configuration - DEPRECATED? SEE BELOW
/State          <-- Current state of the whole module.
                    Values offset by 0x100 to allow common state component in QML
                    0x100 = Connected
                    0x101 = Over temperature
                    0x102 = Temperature warning
                    0x103 = Channel fault
                    0x104 = Channel Tripped
                    0x105 = Under Voltage


/Channel/x/CustomName     <-- the label; Stored on the SmartSwitch
/Channel/x/Function       <-- 0 = momentary, 1 = latching, 2 = dimmable; Stored on the SmartSwitch
/Channel/x/State          <-- Requested on/off state of channel, separate from dimming.
/Channel/x/Status         <-- Channel status
                              0x00 = Off
                              0x01 = Input active
                              0x02 = Tripped
                              0x04 = Over temperature
                              0x08 = Active
                              0x09 = One
                              0x10 = Short fault
                              0x20 = Disabled


When the switch doesn't have these features, the path doesn't exist.

/Channel/x/Dimming        <-- 0 to 100%, read/write. Optional: path is only on d-bus for dimmable outputs. 
/Channel/x/Fuse           <-- Channel trip rating; Stored on SmartSwitch.
                              0 = Invalid
                              1 = 1A
                              2 = 2A
                              3 = 3A
                              4 = 4A
                              5 = 5A
                              6 = 6A
                              7 = 7.5A
                              8 = 10A
                              9 = 15A
                              10 = 20A
                              11 = 30A
/Channel/x/Temperature    <-- temperature of the switch,
/Channel/x/Voltage        <-- voltage of its output
/Channel/x/Current        <-- the current in amps. optional


1. Use /Settings prefix for settings:
/Channel/x/Settings/FuseRating     <-- user settable fuse rating

2. Set the fuse level in Amps, with one decimal, instead of an enum

3. Drop the min and max fuse paths, and instead use the min and max items in a dbus setting as per Victron standard.

4. Drop the showvoltage and showcurrent paths? Not sure what this is for. At a minimum they should be optional; and feels like these are better taken as user settings for a gui; ie in a gui have a button that shows/hides these.. ? and is this per channel? or for the whole boat? or ? Or just design a UI that on its default pages don't show these things; and only when tapping an advanced button or something like that.


dbus-rv-c makes a com.victronenergy.rvc service. It can be used to see the list of devices found on the canbus (NMT) and update for example their instances.

/Alarms/SameUniqueNameUsed       <-- Indicates if the unique identifier from the GX is used by another device on the RV-C network. 

/Devices/#/ChargerInstance       <-- Charger instance used in CHARGER_* DGNs.
/Devices/#/InverterInstance      <-- Inverter instance used in INVERTER_* DGNs.
/Devices/#/Line/0/Instance       <-- Line #1 instance used in INVERTER_AC_STATUS_* and CHARGER_AC_STATUS_* DGNs.
                                     0=L1, 1=L2
/Devices/#/Line/1/Instance       <-- Line #2 instance used in INVERTER_AC_STATUS_* and CHARGER_AC_STATUS_* DGNs.
                                     0=L1, 1=L2
/Devices/#/DcSource/n/Instance   <-- DC source n instance used in DC_SOURCE_STATUS_* DGNs.
/Devices/#/DcSource/n/Priority   <-- DC source n priority used in DC_SOURCE_STATUS_* DGNs.
/Devices/#/TankInstance          <-- Tank instance used in TANK_STATUS DGN.


The com.victronenergy.platform dbus service is provided by venus-platform.

One of the things it does is monitor all devices and other services for alarms, warnings, errors and other things that need to be notified to the user.

Its output is a structure on D-Bus of notifications.

This structure is picked from either D-Bus or MQTT by the different UIs.

At this moment, the VRM portal and its alarms/notifications service does not yet use this; but changing that over to this is under exploration.

Detailed documentation:

A notification can be active or no longer active (so for example the voltage is still too high or already recovered), as well as acknowledged or not acknowledged. Together this is a matrix and in total there are four possible combinations.

Different types of notifications:

1) Warning       -> example: battery voltage has dropped below a warning level
2) Alarm         -> example: battery voltage has dropped further, below the inverter
                    shutdown level. Inverter has shut down. When there is an alarm, the
                    device has always shut down.
3) Error         -> example: calibration lost; or settings lost. When there is an error, Device has always shut down.
4) Information   -> example: Information 66 - Incompatible device, from the mppt solar chargers.
5) Notification  -> example: firmware update available, on a GX.
                    note that this term is especially confusing since now we have a notification
                    center and a notification type.

Errors vs Alarms:

It is difficult to differentiate between errors and alarms. Alarms are critical situations arising during operation of which the system may be able to recover with or without user intervention. Any parameter which is outside safe operational limits should trigger an alarm, like high voltage, high temperature, etc.

When something is broken or wrongly configured which prevents the system from operating, it should be classified as an error. This usually requires a technician or service engineer to be resolved. Examples are broken or disconnected hardware or cables, missing settings, missing calibrations, etc.

For attention drawing we have defined two levels:

  1. High: UI switches automatically to the notification center + (when enabled) relay, or buzzer or both are engaged.
  2. Low: an icon shows indicates to user that there are notifications.

dbus paths


AcknowledgeAll			<- Send a 1 in here to acknowledge all the not yet acknowledged alarms
Alarm				<- 0: Visual and audible attention drawing is not needed. All entries are 
                                      either acknowledged or not of the type that requires audible attention.
                                   1: Visual and audible attention drawing needed:
                                      One of more of the notifications is an alarm that is active and not 
                                      yet acknowledged. As long as this is the case, the buzzer/relay is 
                                      activated (if enabled) and the GUI will automatically switch to 
                                      the notifications page.
                                      - gui-v2 uses this to know if it should show a certain icon to the user.
                                      - venus-platform egages buzzer and/or relay if this path is active.
Alert				<- 0: Visual attention drawing not needed.
                                   1: Visual attention drawing needed: 
                                      One or more of the notifications is not acknowledged. Remains active 
                                      until all notifications are acknowledged, even if the alarm/warning 
                                      condition is not active anymore.
                                      If 1, the GUI shows the flashing notification triangle. The 
                                      buzzer/relay will not be engaged and the GUI does not switch
                                      to the notification page based on this path.
NumberOfActiveNotifications	<- Number of active notifications
NumberOfNotifications 		<- Number of total notifications
[0-19]/Acknowledged		<- Acknowledged status
                                   0: not yet acknowledged
                                   1: acknowledged
[0-19]/Active			<- Condition that triggered the notification is still active [1] or not [0] 
[0-19]/AlarmValue		<- Value of the alarm item/trigger
[0-19]/Value			<- Value that caused the alarm at the moment the it was triggered, for example,
                                   the temperature on a high temperature alarm or the SOC on a low SOC alarm.
[0-19]/DateTime			<- Notification creation date and time
[0-19]/Description		<- Description of the alarm/notification, translated to the language selected 
                                   in the GUI.
[0-19]/Service			<- D-Bus Service name of the product/service that triggered the notification
[0-19]/Trigger			<- D-Bus Path that triggered the notification
[0-19]/Type			<- Type of notification
                                   0: Warning
                                   1: Alarm
                                   2: Notification  <- THIS ONE NEEDS RENAMING AND WHAT ABOUT ERRORS?
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