After few years of swimming aimlessly in the sea of programming and software development, i decided on my own personal path to widen my knowledge base and harden my technical skills. Web development seemed like the fastest result-generating learning journey, with simpler tools and softwares. I am trying to learn web development from scratch, to build a strong understanding of all the components. To do so i spent some time studying HTML and trying to expose myself to as much terminologies and concepts as possible. Now it is the turn of CSS.
- Front-end Dev
- Javascript
- Programming Langusges
- C#
- Framewroks
- .Net Core
- Laravel
- Wordpress
- JQuery
- React
- Databases
- MongoDB(No-SQL)
- Mobile Dev
- React Native
- Flutter
- Concepts
- HTTP methods
- APIs (REST probably)
- Clean Architecture
- Agile Development
- Version Control
- GIT (including github)
- Expenses Tracker
- Meals Planner
- Forms Generator
- Prayer Times App
- Books Quotes API