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main branch for prod dev branch for dev


Run the web app

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Fill .env file

You need to create a .env.local file with the following the .env.example file. If you haven't start supabase locally, go to the Run supabase locally section.

Run the app

pnpm run dev

How to use supabase

Run supabase locally

Install supabase CLI

npm install -g supabase-cli


brew install supabase-cli

Run supabase

Before running supabase you need to create a .env file with the following variables following the .env.example file.

Then you can start supabase with:

supabase start


  1. Error: Error evaluating "env(DISCORD_CLIENT)": environment variable DISCORD_CLIENT is unset.

Because we are using env variable in the supabase config file, you need to first source the .env file with source .env.

For example if you are at the root of the project you can run this command to source the .env file.

source ./supabase/.env

Then you can restart the supabase server.


If you have a PR with a new migrations you don't need to do something special. When you will merge your new branch on dev a github action will start and check if the current file supabase_types is up to date.

The migration will be automatically applied when you merge on main.


Automatic migrations (Recommanded)

Unlike manual migrations, auto schema diff creates a new migration script from changes already applied to your local database.

Create an employees table under the public schema using Studio UI, accessible at localhost:54323 by default.

Next, generate a schema diff by running the following command:

supabase db diff -f new_employee

Manual migrations

Create a new migration script by running:

supabase migration new name_of_migration

You should see a new file created: supabase/migrations/<timestamp>_name_of_migration.sql. You can then write SQL statements in this script using a text editor:

create table public.example (
  id integer primary key generated always as identity,
  name text

Apply the new migration to your local database:

supabase db reset

This command recreates your local database from scratch and applies all migration scripts under supabase/migrations directory. Now your local database is up to date.

Tomato helper

The file in the cli directory is a custom CLI for repetitive tasks. To use it you need to follow this steps:

  1. Install python requirements: pip install -r cli/requirements.txt

  2. Create a .env file with the following variables (see

  1. Source the source_me file every time you start a new working session:
source source_me

Or add this line to your .bashrc or .zshrc depending on which on you use:

alias tmt="python3 /path/to/tomato/cli/"
  1. Now you can use the CLI with tmt command

Available commands

  • tmt db_types : Generate typescript types for supabase tables
  • tmt db_migrate : Apply pending database migration to your local supabase instance
  • tmt db_reset : Reset your local database and apply all the migrations
  • tmt db_types : Generates the supabase database types for typescript development
  • tmt setup : Install all the project dependencies needed by node.js
  • tmt start : Start the supabase local instance with the environments loaded
  • tmt stop : Stop the supabase local instance

You can see each one off these by doing:

  • tmt -h

Finder flow

Step to use the feature in local

  1. tmt db_reset
  2. Aller sur http://localhost:54323/project/default/database/hooks et Cliquer sur modifier le webhook
  3. Changer l'url avec http://host.docker.internal:54321/functions/v1/handle_scan_insert
  4. Remplacer le header Authorization avec Bearer your_anon_token
  5. Remplir le tomato-x-edge-token avec super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
  6. Creer un .env dans ./supabase et le remplir avec
export RESEND_API_KEY=ask_me_in_dm
export TOMATO_EDGE_TOKEN=super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
export TOMATO_JWT_SECRET=super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
  1. Inserer le jwt token dans supabase, tu va dans l'invite de commande sql de supabase en local et tu execute ça
insert into vault.secrets (name, secret)
values ('tomato-jwt-token', 'super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long') returning *;
  1. Ouvrir un nouveau terminal et lancer tmt fn_run
  2. Et apres tu creers un item, tu le marque en lost et tu ouvre la page de qrcode sur une nav privée. Si t'as besoin d'aide demande