Desktop application to create spotify playlists from osu!
- Load collections.
- Customize your playlist.
- Enjoy!
- Select osu path and press Load (Default one is already selected).
- Select the collection to load or every beatmap.
- Tweak your selection.
- Place an Spotify API clientID token.
- Input a playlist name
- Press create playlist button.
- Step-By-Step Video
- Create spotify Application, you can use whichever name and description you want.
- Accept terms of service if needed.
- Put http://localhost:8000 as Redirect URIs and press "Add"
- Scroll to the bottom and press save.
- Copy Client ID and use it for SpotOsu!
- When selecting "all" as collection it will load every beatmap into the song's and playlist's lists, however when creating the playlist a maximum o 400 are going to be parsed for creating the list due to SpotifyAPI limitations. (The maximum is 400, however a songs may not be found in spotify thus reducing the number of songs in the playlist.)
- JohnnyCrazy: Spotify API Wrapper.
- Holly-Hacker: Osu! database reader.
- Ppy: osu!ppy
- Spotify team: Spotify