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Releases: viash-io/viash-actions

v6.6.1: Fix bug in caching

10 Dec 12:54
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Bug fixes

  • project/sync-and-cache: Fix incorrect sha calculation for caching (PR #43).

v6.6.0: Allow projects to be in a subdirectory

23 Aug 12:10
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New functionality

  • Many actions: Add input project_directory to allow specifying the project directory (PR #42):
    • ns-build
    • ns-list
    • project/build-target
    • project/detect-changed-components
    • project/sync-and-cache

Bug fixes

  • project/build-target: Do not throw an error if there is no .gitignore in place (PR #42).

  • ns-build, ns-list: If Viash throws an error, make sure that the error message gets printed (PR #42).

  • project/detect-changed-components: Fix the action not listening to 'ci force' in commit messages (PR #42).

v6.5.0: support for viash 0.9.0 when generating nextflow schemas and params

24 Jul 09:09
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New functionality

  • build-nextflow-params and build-nextflow-schemas: allow using viash versions starting from 0.9.0 (PR #41).

v6.4.0: Add callable workflows

17 Jul 15:05
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New functionality

  • .github/workflows/build.yaml: Added a callable workflow for building Viash components (PR #38).

  • .github/workflows/test.yaml: Added a callable workflow for testing Viash components (PR #38).

Minor changes

  • project/detect-changed-components: Simplify separator handling of changed files array (PR #40).

Bug fixes

  • project/detect-changed-components: Fix realpath not being able to resolve changed files (PR #39).

v6.3.1: Fix caching steps when no test resources are found

09 Jul 08:49
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Bug fixes

  • project/sync-and-cache: Skip caching steps in action if no test resources are found (PR #37).

v6.3.0 Add option to start fresh when generating quarto markdown.

04 Jul 10:27
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New functionality

  • pro/generate_documentation_qmd: add --clean parameter (PR #36).

v6.2.0: Allow filtering components when generating quarto markdown

04 Jul 08:09
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New functionality

  • pro/generate_documentation_qmd: add --query parameter (PR #35).

v6.1.0: Sync resources mentioned in the project config

04 Jul 07:42
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New functionality

  • project/sync-and-cache: Added an action for syncing and caching test resources (PR #31).

Minor changes

  • project/detect-changed-components: Make action less verbose by not printing out every changed file for every component (PR #32).

  • ns-list: Output the main_script_type of each component (PR #33).

  • project/detect-changed-components: Output the full_name and main_script_type of each component (PR #33).

  • Update documentation for various components (PR #34).

Bug fixes

  • check-concurrent-pr: Added input parameter github_token for checking concurrent PRs (PR #31).

v6.0.0: Add support for Viash 0.9

28 Jun 06:54
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Breaking changes

  • update-docker-engine was moved to project/update-docker-engine (PR #27).

  • pro/build-nextflow-params: Arguments components and workflows were removed in favour for the target_dir argument (PR #27).

  • pro/build-nextflow-schemas: Arguments components and workflows were removed in favour for the target_dir argument (PR #27).

  • Removed viash-hub/deploy: Viash Hub pulls source code from GitHub and builds Viash packages accordingly, as opposed to pushing deployments using GitHub Actions (PR #27).

New functionality

  • project/build-target: Created an action for building a target directory using viash ns build and generating a matrix of the components for which Docker images need to be built and pushed (PR #27).

  • project/check-concurrent-pr: Created an action for checking if a push event is concurrent with a pull request (PR #27).

Major changes

  • All actions were updated to work with Viash 0.9 and later (PR #27).


  • Updated all READMEs to be more consistent (PR #27).

  • Added a Makefile for generating READMEs more efficiently (PR #27).


06 Mar 15:40
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Bug fixes

  • project/detect-changed-components: Fix components being listed more than once (PR #29).