While the TheAudioDB music video scrapper is broken for the Kodi (OSMC) media center, use this python script to generate a local nfo files for your entire music video collection.
Open kodimvnfo.py with a text editor and change the mypath variable to your main music video directory.
File should be renamed in the format Artist Name - Song Name (Extra Info). (Extra Info) is optional.
A date parameter can be provided in Extra Info in the format yymmdd or yyyy. The code will automatically find the date entry if multiple parameters are added to Extra Info
Change the mypath parameter, at the end of the script, to your top level file directory to scan. All subfolders will also be scanned. Note, use "\" path separator for Windows and "/" for Linux and Mac.
Run in terminal >> python kodimvnfo.py
In Kodi, change the Content information provider to "Local information only".