This repository contains OLD versions of BladePlayer that will not be updated
Version 2.0+ development is going on :
This repository is kept here for archive purposes, but might be deleted some day
Please do not use this code at all, it was my first android app and is poorly written**
Blade is a free and open source simple music player built for Android devices. Blade is developed to allow songs to be played from local user libraries and other third-party sources which includes Spotify and Deezer.
Blade is now available on Google Play
Blade-Player contain features that makes it an ideal simple music player.
- Themes
Blade has several themes out of the box : classic, nightly, dark, red, green...
- Categorized Lists
Song list contains the list of all the songs in your library. Artists list groups all the artists of songs in the library. Album list contains the list of albums. These lists are sorted according to the metadata or information of the music file,
- Blade Player supports playlists
Already created playlists are available in the music player and new playlists can be created in the app by adding a song from the songs list to a playlist and creating a new one.
- Search feature
Used to quickly search for songs, artists or albums in the library. 2 search modes : local search (will search on your local/Spotify/Deezer library) and web search (will also search on Spotify and Deezer (can take a little bit of time if you have a bad connection)).
Blade-Player doesn't contain unneccesary ads and pop-ups
The app is totally free and open source
Latest Release (Google Play) Latest Release (v 1.5) (APK) Mirror (APK)
Link to all Blade-Player Releases
Read Blade Privacy Policy License FAQ
- Valou3433 is the main developer
- zularizal made the Blade logo
- HarryHeights and olayhemi made documentation
Contributions to Blade-Player are welcomed. If you want to work on it, you can send me a mail at [email protected] or talk to me on GitHub. You can open an issue for suggestions or bug reports.