Generate URLs to show Yandex maps as jpeg/png images.
var stym=require('static-yandex-map');
var s=new stym(37.620070,55.753630)
//Creating map object - setting coordinates of map center -
//getting API key is not mandatory
// .setKey('key') //You can get it here -
//but you will have some limitations without it
.setType('satellite')//one of 'map','satellite','hybrid','traffic'
//image size in pixels - max size is 650x450 -
//Setting map scale 0-17(highest)
//Set viewport span in degrees - analogous to setZ
//select one of 'ru-RU','tr-TR', 'en-US', 'uk-UA'
//Placing points on map
//details here :
// ->,55.75363&l=sat&lang=en-US&size=450,450&z=13&pt=37.62007,55.75363,pmwtm1~37.64,55.76363,pmwtm99
This is example of map:
On *nix machines Yandex Map api key can be set as enviroment variable:
$ export yandexMapApiKey='ALTJHk8BAAAAREWTEg=='; node app.js
You can get this key from this page:
Link to full documentation on Yandex.Maps API
Install vows and test as usual
$ npm install vows
$ npm test
The MIT License Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Ostroumov Anatolij
Before using this plugin, please, read the terms of use and restrictions for Yandex.Maps API:
The Yandex.Maps API can be freely used by any users who follow the requirements in the following Agreements:
User Agreement for the "Yandex.Maps API" service
Terms of Use for the “Yandex.Maps” service
User Agreement for Yandex Services
Please note that the Yandex.Maps API cannot be used for fee-based cartographic services or services that restrict third-party access in any other way. Requiring user registration is not considered as restricting access.