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Nebula Graph Contributor Reward Plan

Amber Zhang edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 6 revisions

Nebula Graph is an open-source graph database project and we welcome contributions from the community to help users grow. Let's work together to make Nebula Graph a better graph database for the entire community.

How to Contribute to Nebula Graph on GitHub

There are two ways you can contribute, i.e.  pull request and issue

Steps to submit a pull request

  1. Fork Nebula Graph's repo on GitHub
  2. Clone Nebula Graph's code to your own repo
  3. Make changes to the existing code or documentation, for example fixing a bug, commit a pull request for new features, add information to the docs, etc. When you're done updating the code or docs locally, commit the updates
  4. Go back to your own Nebula Graph repo and click the  New pull request button. Add a description to this change in the title and if this pull request is to fix an existing issue, then attach the link to the issue in the body.
  5. You will earn credits granted by Nebula Graph after successfully submitting a pull request. See Contributor Credit Rules for details.

New to GitHub and need a more detailed tutorial? Here's a step-by-step guide to show you how to become a GitHub contributor in five minutes.

Raise an issue

  1. Please use the template below to raise an issue so that Nebula Graph staff can grade the issue as soon as they see it. We will grant credits to the issue raiser based on the level of the issue itself. See Issue Grade Rules for how we assign a level to each issue. See Credit Rules for the credits granted to each issue level.
**Please check the FAQ documentation before raising an issue**

Please check the [FAQ]( documentation and old issues before raising an issue in case someone has asked the same question that you are asking.

**Describe the bug (__must be provided__)**

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

**Your Environments (__must be provided__)**

* OS: `uname -a`
* Compliler: `g++ --version` or `clang++ --version`
* CPU: `lscpu`
* Commit id (e.g. `a3ffc7d8`)

**How To Reproduce(__must be provided__)**

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3

**Expected behavior**

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

**Additional context**

Provide logs and configs, or any other context to trace the problem.

Credit Rules

For pull requests

Below is a detailed explanation of how Nebula Graph assigns credits to each pull request level:

Level Level Description Credits Assigned
Level 0 Fixed a defect-p1 bug 100 Points
Level 1 Fixed a defect-p2 bug 50 Points
Level 2 Submitted pull request has been accepted  30 Points
Level 3 Fixed a defect-p3 bug OR Information added to docs has been accepted 5 Points

For issues

In addition to pull requests, we also welcome community members to raise issues for us. Below is a detailed description of how Nebula Graph grants credits to each issue level:

Level Level Description Credits Assigned
Level 0 Found a defect-p1 bug 5 Points
Level 1 Found a defect-p2 bug 3 Points
Level 2 Found a defect-p3 bug 1 Point

Definition of bug criticalness

Nebula Graph has graded bugs based on its criticalness:

  • defect-p1 bug: Service crash or data loss
  • defect-p3 bug: Return invalid results or fatal documentation errors
  • defect-p3 bug: Other not-so-critical bugs such as typos

How to Redeem Your Credits

To redeem your credits for gifts:Please DM our official Twitter handle @NebulaGraph with your GitHub account name, gift name, your name, email, and shipping address.

Below is a list of redeemable gifts:

Nebula Graph Notebook: 8 Points

Nebula Graph Mug: 5 Points

Nebula Graph Handbag: 3 Points

Nebula Graph Stickers: 1 Point

AirPods: 250 Points

Kindle Paperwhite: 205 Points

Filco Keyboard: 200 Points

IKBC Keyboard: 100 Points

Raspberry Pi 4B: 100 Points

Apple Magic Mouse: 90 Points

Sony XB10 speaker: 80 Points

CHOETECH wireless charger: 10 Points

iVoler laptop stand: 7 Points

Please DM @NebulaGraph on Twitter for gifts

Credit Change Log

Community User: 依云    👉 Current Credits: 0  📝 History Credits: 100

Activities Credit Changes Credit Balance
Fixed a defect-p1 bug #820 + 100 100
Redeemed IKBC keyboard -100 0

Community User: xieceinhe    👉 Current Credits: 0  📝 History Credits: 100

Activities Credit Changes Credit Balance
Fixed a defect-p1 bug #978 + 100 100
Redeemed IKBC keyboard -100 0

Community User: moneytoyang    👉 Current Credits: 0  📝 History Credits: 37

Activities Credit Changes Credit Balance
Submitted pull request accepted #829 +30 30
Found a defect-p2 bug #826 +3 33
Found a defect-p2 bug #827 +3 36
Found a defect-p3 bug #833 +1 37
Redeemed two voucher cards -20 17
Redeemed three handbags -9 8
Redeemed one GitHub backpack -8 0

Community User: walter211    👉 Current Credits: 4  📝 History Credits: 4

Activities Credit Changes Credit Balance
Found a defect-p3 bug #830 +1 1
Found a defect-p2 bug #831 +3 4

Community User: Wen Zhenghu    👉 Current Credits: 1  📝 History Credits: 1

Activities Credit Changes Credit Balance
Found a defect-p3 bug #893 +1 1
Clone this wiki locally