Please keep in mind that this is my daily driver. Use my config files as a reference.
Type | Name |
OS | Arch Linux |
Window Compositor | Hyprland |
Display Manager | ly |
Bar | Waybar |
Terminal | kitty |
Shell | zsh |
ZSH Plugin Manager | zinit |
ZSH Prompt | starship |
Type | Name |
GTK Theme | adw-gtk3 |
Rofi Icon Theme | la-capitaine |
GTK Icon Theme | Adwaita |
Main Font | JetBrainsMono Nerd Font |
Emoji Font | Noto Emoji |
Colorscheme | pywal16 |
Type | Name |
Browser | Librewolf |
Browser Startpage | startpage by fazzi |
Browser CSS | FirefoxCSS by Bali10050 |
Text Editor | Neovim |
Terminal File Manager | lf |
GTK File Manager | Nautilus |
Wallpaper Daemon | swww |
Better ls | lsd |
Better cd | zoxide |
AUR Helper | paru |
App Launcher | Rofi |
Screenshot Utility | hyprshot |
System Info | fastfetch |
Notification Daemon/Control Center | Sway Notification Center |
Music Player | Spotify with Spicetify |
Audio Visualizer | cava |
Lockscreen App | hyprlock |
Idle Daemon | hypridle |
Power Menu App | wlogout |
WiFi Menu | iwdrofimenu |
Bluetooth Manager | Overskride |
Terminal Art | rustmon |
Type | Name |
Telegram Pywal Theme | walogram |
VS Code Pywal Theme | Wal Theme Extension |
Librewolf Pywal Theme | pywalfox |
Check out my wallpapers repository
Btop, Neovim |
Nautilis, Obsidian |
Updates, System Info |
Hub |
Fastfetch, cava |
Wallpaper Selector |
Lyrics Tab |
NCS Visualizer |
Dashboard |
Layout |
Notification Center |
Notification Example |
sudo pacman -S kitty swww ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd noto-fonts-emoji lf grim slurp wl-clipboard hyprland waybar zsh playerctl lsd libnotify hyprlang hyprlock hypridle swaync neovim fastfetch xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
paru -S pistol-bin python-pywal16 wlogout rofi-lbonn-wayland-git iwdrofimenu-git overskride spicetify-cli cava adw-gtk-theme-git walogram-git rustmon-git hyprshot la-capitaine-icon-theme
If you are having trouble with installing iwdrofimenu-git
, use --nodeps
paru -S iwdrofimenu-git --nodeps
sudo pacman -S fzf zoxide starship pkgfile
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
paru -S wttrbar
sudo pacman -S ripgrep unzip npm
Make sure to install stow:
sudo pacman -S stow
Clone repo into home folder and stow dotfiles:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vernette/hyprsnap ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow .
If you want stow to overwrite existing files, then add --adopt
stow . --adopt
To get the command-not-found
plugin working, run this commands:
sudo pkgfile -u
sudo systemctl enable --now pkgfile-update.timer # Enable automatic updates https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pkgfile#Automatic_updates
Also for rustmon
rustmon fetch
is used as Esc
. You can change this behavior by removing caps:escape
from the ~/.config/hypr/configs/input.conf
Key | Command |
Super + Enter |
Launch kitty |
Super + D |
Launch rofi |
Super + F |
Launch Nautilus |
Super + B |
Launch Librewolf |
Super + W |
Random wallpaper |
Super + Shift + Q |
Kill active window |
Super + Shift + Space |
Toggle floating window |
Super + Shift + C |
Center window |
Super + Shift + L |
Power menu |
Super + Shift + W |
Wallpaper selector |
Super + Shift + N |
Sway Notification Center |
Super + Shift + F |
Toggle fullscreen |
Super + Shift + O |
Restart Waybar |
Super + Shift + R |
Restart Hyprland |
Super + Shift + E |
Exit Hyprland |
PrntScrn |
Take screenshot of an entire screen |
Ctrl + PrntScrn |
Take screenshot of selected area |
Ctrl + Shift + PrntScrn |
Take screenshot of selected window |
Ctrl + Super + Arrow down/up/left/right |
Resize window |
Other hotkeys can be found here ~/.config/hypr/configs/binds.conf
- Installation script
Custom SDDM themeSwitched to ly - Custom Librewolf CSS
- Custom Librewolf startpage