Since we stopped using puppet for our infrastructure, we are not going to maintain this solution anymore.
For further usage, check out the changes at:
A puppet module to easily deploy owncloud. Make sure you have a correct php5 installation. This module only downloads the latest owncloud archive and extracts it to a given path.
Additionally it provides a nginx
class to configure nginx to serve
You may have to install php5-fpm
(via puppet-php) and configure your
web server (maybe with a puppet nginx module).
This module is as simple as possible. You should be able to choose your own php installation and to decide which webserver you use.
# Create a new MySQL database
mysql::db { "owncloud":
user => "owncloud",
password => "myowncloudpassword",
host => "",
require => Class['mysql::server'],
# Setup nginx via the jfryman/nginx puppet module
class { 'nginx': }
# Setup a sufficient php5 installation via the nodes/php puppet module
class { 'php::extension::gd': }
class { 'php::extension::curl': }
class { 'php::extension::ldap': }
class { 'php::cli': ensure => present }
class { 'php::fpm::daemon': ensure => running }
class { 'php::extension::mysql': }
# Make sure php5-fpm is configured correctly
php::fpm::conf { 'www':
listen => '/var/run/php5-fpm.sock',
user => 'www-data',
# Configure php correctly
php::config { 'php-owncloud-conf':
inifile => '/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini',
settings => {
set => {
'Date/date.timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
'PHP/upload_tmp_dir' => '/srv/owncloud/data',
'PHP/upload_max_filesize' => '1000M',
'PHP/post_max_size' => '1000M',
# Install owncloud
class { 'owncloud':
path => '/srv/owncloud'
# Configure nginx to serve owncloud
class { 'owncloud::nginx':
hostname => 'mydomain.tld',
upload_max_filesize => '1000M',
php_fpm => 'unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock',
# ssl => true,
# ssl_key => 'mydomain.tld.key',
# ssl_cert => 'mydomain.tld.crt',
Notice: Afterwards you have to configure owncloud manually. If you find a way to configure owncloud from the commandline, we would appreciate a pull request. Thanks!
Want to help - send a pull request.