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A GitHub Action for starting VMs with the Anka Build Cloud Controller


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Anka Actions - Up

This action is mean to be used with anka-actions-down. Please be sure to read this first.


  1. Install the github runner inside of your VM. This can be done with our installation script.

  2. Add your Github PAT and add it to your repo under{USER/ORG}/{REPONAME}/settings/secrets/actions. Your PAT should have "repo" if using classic tokens. Also, the user with the PAT must be added as an Admin collaborator to the repository. Fine-grained are not supported at the time of writing this.


input name required? description
gh-pat yes Github personal access token (requires repo scope in order to be able to create/remove self-hosted runners in the repository).
controller-url yes The Anka Build Cloud Controller's URL to communicate with.
template-id yes UUID of the Anka VM Template in the Anka Build Cloud Registry.
template-tag no Anka VM Template's Tag.
template-runner-dir no The directory where the runner was installed. (default: /Users/anka/actions-runner)
gh-owner no GitHub repository owner.
gh-repository no GitHub repository the github action runner will be attached to.
gh-base-url no GitHub Enterprise Server base url with /api/v3 on the end. At the moment only v3 is supported.
controller-root-token no Anka Build Cloud Controller's Root Token used for authentication.
controller-tls-ca no Anka Build Cloud Controller TLS certificate's CA (needed if controller TLS cert is self-signed).
controller-https-skip-cert-verify no Skip the Anka Build Cloud Controller's TLS certificate verification.
controller-auth-cert no Certificate to use for authorization with the Anka Build Cloud Controller.
controller-auth-cert-key no Private key to use for authorization with the Anka Build Cloud Controller.
controller-auth-cert-passphrase no The Auth Certificate's passphrase.
controller-http-poll-delay no Delay (in seconds) between the HTTP requests to the Anka Build Cloud Controller's API.
job-ttl no TTL (in seconds) after which job will be forced to stop (fails with error) (disable with 0).
group-id no Anka Node Group ID (not name) to target for starting the VM.
node-id no Anka Node ID (not name) to target for starting the VM.
vcpu no The vCPUs to set before starting the Anka VM.
vram no The ram to set before starting the Anka VM.


output name description
action-id This is a unique action identifier, it will be set as an External ID in the VM Instance and also as a label on the created Github action runner


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
        id: action-up
          gh-pat: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_USER_PAT }}
          template-id: '9690461a-02b5-412d-8778-dab4167743db'
          controller-url: ''
      action-id: ${{ steps.action-up.outputs.action-id }}

    needs: action-up
    runs-on: [ self-hosted, "${{ needs.action-up.outputs.action-id }}" ]
      - name: Inside VM Job
        id: inside_vm_job
        run: |
          echo "running on runner inside of VM (${{ needs.action-up.outputs.action-id }})"
          echo "user: $USER"
          echo "home: $HOME"
    if: always()
    needs: [ action-up, inside_vm_job ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-down@v1
          action-id: ${{ needs.action-up.outputs.action-id }}
          gh-pat: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_USER_PAT }}
          controller-url: ''

Authenticating using Certificate Authentication

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          controller-url: ''
          controller-auth-cert-passphrase: 'secret'
          controller-auth-cert: ${{ secrets.CONTROLLER_CERT }}
          controller-auth-cert-key: ${{ secrets.CONTROLLER_KEY }}
          controller-https-skip-cert-verify: true # only needed if using self-signed cert for HTTPS/TLS

Authenticating using RTA (Root Token Auth)

We do not recommend this as it exposes your root token. The root token has access to absolutely everything permissions-wise.

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          controller-url: ''
          controller-root-token: ${{ secrets.ROOT_TOKEN }}


The maximum seconds a job can run. If this TTL is reached it will stop and be marked as failed. It can be disabled with 0. If not set, it will default to 5 minutes (300 seconds).

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          controller-url: ''
          job-ttl: 300

Controller HTTP Poll Delay

This is a interval between requests to your Anka Build Cloud Controller's REST API. It can be disabled with 0. If not set, it will default to 5 minutes (300 seconds).

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          . . .
          controller-http-poll-delay: 5

Modifying the VM Template

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          template-id: 'template id'
          template-tag: 'template tag'
          group-id: 'anka node group'
          node-id: 'anka node id'
          # NOTE: using "vcpu" and "vram" requires the stored template to be in stopped state
          vcpu: 'number of vCPUs to set for the VM'
          vram: 'amount of RAM in megabytes to set for the VM'

Using with Github Enterprise Server

When using with GitHub Enterprise Server, set gh-base-url to the root URL of the API. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server's hostname is, then set gh-base-url to

      - uses: veertuinc/anka-actions-up@v1
          . . .
          gh-base-url: ''