Small python CLI to manage AWS EC2 instances, volumes and snapshots using boto3.
The project uses pipenv to manage a virtualenv and packages - pip3 install pipenv
pipenv run python -m ec2_manager.ec2_manager [options] <command> <subcommand> [options]
pipenv run python -m ec2_manager.ec2_manager --help
for more detailded help info
--profile - optional, specify non-default AWS profile name
--region - optional, specify AWS region name
commands - instances, volumes or snapshosts
subcommand - list, start, stop, reboot or snapshot (depends on the command --help
for more info)
--project - optional, filter list of instances by project tag
--instance - optional, specific instance id
Create python distribution package/wheel
pipenv run python bdist_wheel
Run install using pip and generated wheel
pip3 install dist\EC2_Snapshot_Manager-0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Run the CLI
ec2-manager --help