JavaScript implementation of MongoDB query language
Mingo harnesses the power of MongoDB-style queries and allows direct querying of in-memory javascript objects in both client and server-side environments.
$ npm install mingo
In browser
<!-- DO NOT FORGET Underscore -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./underscore-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./mingo.min.js"></script>
- Supports Dot Notation for both '<array>.<index>' and '<document>.<field>' selectors
- Query and Projection Operators
- Array Operators (
) - Comparisons Operators (
) - Element Operators (
) - Evaluation Operators (
) - Logical Operators (
- Array Operators (
- Aggregation Framework Operators
- Pipeline Operators (
) - Group Operators (
) - Projection Operators (
) - Arithmetic Operators (
) - Array Operators (
) - Boolean Operators (
) - Comparisons Operators (
) - Conditional Operators (
) - Date Operators (
) - Literal Operators (
) - Set Operators (
) - String Operators (
) - Variable Operators (
- Pipeline Operators (
- Support for custom operators
- BackboneJS Integration
- JSON stream filtering and projection. NodeJS only
For documentation on using query operators see mongodb
var Mingo = require('mingo');
// or just access *Mingo* global in browser
// setup the key field for your collection
key: '_id' // default
// create a query with criteria
// find all grades for homework with score >= 50
var query = new Mingo.Query({
type: "homework",
score: { $gte: 50 }
// filter collection with find()
var cursor = query.find(collection);
// shorthand with query criteria
// cursor = Mingo.find(collection, criteria);
// sort, skip and limit by chaining
cursor.sort({student_id: 1, score: -1})
// count matches
// iterate cursor
// iteration is forward only
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
// use first(), last() and all() to retrieve matched objects
// Filter non-matched objects (
var result = query.remove(collection);
var agg = new Mingo.Aggregator([
{'$match': { "type": "homework"}},
{'$group':{'_id':'$student_id', 'score':{$min:'$score'}}},
{'$sort':{'_id': 1, 'score': 1}}
var result =;
// shorthand
result = Mingo.aggregate(
{'$match': { "type": "homework"}},
{'$group':{'_id':'$student_id', 'score':{$min:'$score'}}},
{'$sort':{'_id': 1, 'score': 1}}
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream'),
fs = require('fs'),
Mingo = require('mingo');
var query = new Mingo.Query({
scores: { $elemMatch: {type: "exam", score: {$gt: 90}} }
}, {name: 1});
file = fs.createReadStream('./students.json');
var qs =;
qs.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(data); // log filtered outputs
// ex. { name: 'Dinah Sauve', _id: 49 }
// using with Backbone
var Grades = Backbone.Collection.extend(Mingo.CollectionMixin);
var grades = new Grades(collection);
// find students with grades less than 50 in homework or quiz
// sort by score ascending and type descending
cursor = grades.query({
$or: [{type: "quiz", score: {$lt: 50}}, {type: "homework", score: {$lt: 50}}]
}).sort({score: 1, type: -1}).limit(10);
// print grade with the lowest score
- Geospatial Query Operators (
) - Geometry Specifiers (