Python client for radarr and sonarr apis. The package provides python client and CLI to use in command line.
Sonarr CLI
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr -t "" -k "2ac2d8f667524da3bx1849e81dba5a84" -d sonarr get -i 65
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr -t "" -k "2ac2d8f667524da3bax849e81dba5a84" -d sonarr add -t "the walking dead"
Radarr CLI
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr -t "" -k "2ac2d8f667524da3bx1849e81dba5a84" -d radarr get -i 65
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr -t "" -k "2ac2d8f667524da3bax849e81dba5a84" -d radarr add -t "wonder woman"
Using radarr client
from pycliarr.api import RadarrCli
radarr_cli = RadarrCli('', '5f5e32qf3ff8463e9f3d2388af0fd3e8')
radarr_cli.add_movie(imdb_id="tt1234", quality=1)
movie = radarr_cli.get_movie(12)
Using sonarr client
from pycliarr.api import SonarrCli
sonarr_cli = SonarrCli('', '2ac2d8f667524da3bx1849e81dba5a84')
sonarr_cli.add_serie(imdb_id="tt1234", quality=1)
serie = sonarr_cli.get_serie(12)
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr --help
PyCliarr version 1.0.22
usage: pycliarr [-h] --host HOST --api-key API_KEY [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--debug] {sonarr,radarr} ...
Radarr/Sonarr client
positional arguments:
sonarr use sonarr client
radarr use radarr client
config use config client
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST, -t HOST Host url, e.g ''
--api-key API_KEY, -k API_KEY
API key, e.g '5f5e32xf3ff8463d9f1d2u88ef0fd3e8'
--user USER, -u USER Username if using basic authentication
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
Password if using basic authentication
--debug, -d Enable debug logging
Radarr CLI:
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr radarr --help
PyCliarr version 1.0.21
usage: pycliarr radarr [-h]
positional arguments:
get Get info on a of movie
delete Delete a movie
add Add a movie from the imdb/tmdb id, or look for keywords
edit Push an updated item to the movie library
refresh Refresh movies
rescan Rescan movies
profiles Get list of quality profiles
system-status Get system status
disk-space Get disk space
queue Get current downloading queue
calendar Get events from calendar
delete-queue Get list of quality profiles
wanted List wanted/missing
status Get status of 1 or all currently running commands
blocklist Get blocklisted items
delete-blocklist Get list of quality profiles
notification Get notification(s)
Delete the specified notification or all
put-notification Create the specified notification
tag Get tag(s)
tag-detail Get tag(s) details
delete-tag Delete the specified tag
edit-tag Edit the specified tag
create-tag Create the specified tag
tag-items List items with specifed tag
exclusion Get exclusion(s)
delete-exclusion Delete the specified exclusion
create-exclusion Create the specified exclusion
search-missing Search missing movies
root-folders Get root folder list
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Sonarr CLI:
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr sonarr --help
PyCliarr version 1.0.22
usage: pycliarr sonarr [-h]
positional arguments:
get Get info on a of serie
delete Delete a serie
add Add a serie from the tvdb id, or look for keywords
refresh Refresh series
rescan Rescan series
get-episode Get info on an episode
get-episode-file Get info on an episode file
Get info on a of serie
profiles Get list of quality profiles
system-status Get system status
disk-space Get disk space
queue Get current downloading queue
calendar Get events from calendar
delete-queue Get list of quality profiles
wanted List wanted/missing
status Get status of 1 or all currently running commands
blocklist Get blocklisted items
delete-blocklist Get list of quality profiles
notification Get notification(s)
Delete the specified notification or all
put-notification Create the specified notification
tag Get tag(s)
tag-detail Get tag(s) details
delete-tag Delete the specified tag
edit-tag Edit the specified tag
create-tag Create the specified tag
tag-items List items with specifed tag
exclusion Get exclusion(s)
delete-exclusion Delete the specified exclusion
create-exclusion Create the specified exclusion
search-missing Search missing episods
root-folders Get root folder list
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Config CLI:
Allows storing default argument values for all commands. Note that while -t and -k arguments are mandatory, they are not used. so any value works.
The config values will be stored in "/tmp/pycliarr_cfg.json"
and can be freely edited (all default will be reset) or edited manually.
To display all the possible arguments that can be set:
pycliarr -t "" -k "" config show
To change for instance the default value of the queue command page size:
pycliarr -t "" -k "" config config set -n "CliGetQueueCommand.--page-size" -v "3"
Before running the command above, running the following would use a default page size of 20. After running the command, the same command would use a default page size of 3:
pycliarr -t <url> -k <api key> sonarr queue
But specifying the argument works normally, only the defaults (when parameter is not specified) are affected:
pycliarr -t <url> -k <api key> sonarr queue --page-size 5
To clear all defaults and reset them to their orignal value:
pycliarr -t "" -k "" config clear
pyvenv/bin/pycliarr config --help
PyCliarr version 1.0.22
usage: pycliarr config [-h] {clear,set,show} ...
positional arguments:
clear Display current config
set Set a default value for the specified (Use 'show' to display available keys)
show Display current config
-h, --help show this help message and exit
## Installation
From pip:
pip pycliarr
From git:
git clone
pip install -e .
Get the project:
git clone
cd pycliarr
Using pixi
# Install dependencies and pycliarr
pixi run build
# Run the binary
pixi run pycliarr
# Or start a term
pixi shell
# Run tests
pixi run test
#generate doc
pixi run doc
Create the virtual env:
virtualenv pyvenv
. pyvenv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
Note: Entry points will be installed in pyvenv/bin, libs with pyvenv libs
pip install tox
If mypy fails due to missing import stubs:
.tox/checkers/bin/mypy --install-types
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme m2r2
./ doc
In case new classes/modules are added, update the autodoc list:
rm docs/sphinx_conf/source/*
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/sphinx_conf/source/ src/pycliarr --separate