An app to order your favorite pizza in React + Node.js (using Typescript)
You can try the live version here. (Be aware that it can take a long time to load the first time, because the backend is on Heroku and may be in "sleep mode")
You will have a specific in each of the folders that will explain how to run
cd pizza-web
yarn build
firebase deploy
# Have all updates inside Git
git subtree push --prefix pizza-api heroku master
React.js, Typescript, Redux, Redux Saga, Chakra UI, Emotion UI, and Axios.
Node.js (v12), Typescript, Express.js, TypeORM (Database), and Bcrypt (Password encrypting).
// User's email is an unique index
class User {
id: number
firstName: string
lastName: string
email: string
password: string
createdAt: Date
// Product's name is an unique index
// Product's type is an index (for high performance searching)
class Product {
id: number
name: string
description: string
pictureUrl: string
type: string
price: number // All prices are based in Euro and without commas (Ex: €50.00 = 5000)
createdAt: Date
// Cart have an index for [isActive, userId] being unique where isActive = true (An user can just have one cart at time)
class Cart {
id: number
userId: number
isActive: boolean
createdAt: Date
// CartItem have an unique index for [cartId, productId] (A cart cannot have the same product twice)
class CartItem {
id: number
cartId: number
productId: number
quantity: number
comments: string // This would be to add comments for the product, e.g No onions, ...
createdAt: Date
// Checkout's currency is an index (for high performance searching)
// Checkout's userId is an index (for high performance searching)
class Checkout {
id: number
address: string
address_2: string // Optional complement
foodPrice: number // Sum of cartItem.quantity * cartItem.product.price
deliveryPrice: number
totalPrice: number
currency: string
cartId: number
userId: number
createdAt: Date
- Implement comments inside CartItem
- Implement a micro-service to calculate currencies (E.g current value for USD, BRL, ...)
- Implement a logic for delivery price (now we just send the same always)
- Implement a real-time system that updates whenever there's a new purchase, and control purchase status (Preparing, Sending, Done)