A NodeJS API based in GraphQL using Typescript, MySQL, Sequelize and JWT.
You will need NodeJS, Typescript, Sequelize and MySQL installed.
Typescript and Sequelize can be installed by Node Package Manager with following commands
npm install -g typescript sequelize
Now, when you have all prerequisites, you will enter in project folder and install dependencies with NPM
npm install
To run the project tests is very simple
npm test
npm run coverage
It will create a directory in root folder called "coverage" with a detailed Web page.
To run project as development mode, you just run following commands in two different terminals.
npm run gulp
And then
npm run dev
To run project as production mode, you just run following command.
npm start
- Gabriel Vaz - GitHub
This app was created during a "Udemy Course"
Criando API's com Node.js, GraphQL, JWT, Sequelize e TS
This app isn't finished, is just for learning and training.