Everything you need to make torrent files in pure Go.
will be loaded automatically:
name = "green"
announce = ["http://localhost/announce"]
source = "GREEN"
private = true
max_piece_length = "16 mb"
name = "yellow"
announce = ["http://localhost/announce", "udp://localhost:3000"]
source = "YELLOW"
private = false
Create a torrent with profile "green" settings:
$ autotorrent green file/or/directory
473 / 1100 [================>----------------------] 43.00% 49s
go get -u github.com/zeebo/bencode \
github.com/cheggaaa/pb \
github.com/BurntSushi/toml \
github.com/c2h5oh/datasize \
github.com/pkg/errors \
cd mktorrent/autotorrent
go build