#Rextro Rextro is a simple api consumer in golang (go) , make api calls easily using this library. Easily read json response values like : response.success if response looks like : {"response" : {"success" : true, "error" : "none" , "code" : "200"}}
See examples below for better understanding and usage.
go get -u -v github.com/varver/rextro
#How to Use ?
For example lets say you want to use this api : https://www.mashape.com/imagevision/nudity-recognition-nudity-filter-for-images
The curl request looks like this
curl -X POST --include 'https://nuditysearch.p.mashape.com/nuditySearch/image' \
-H 'X-Mashape-Key: ad40Z3nH9NmdfgdfgfdgdfgfdgdfgfdgfdgfdgdfgfgAum8J6' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d 'objecturl=http://i.imgur.com/4hGni1I.jpg' \
-d 'setting=3'
Json Response looks like this
"version": "config_v8_2014-01-31",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"transactionid": "1234",
"objecturl": "http://i.imgur.com/4hGni1I.jpg",
"setting": 2,
"score": 94,
"classification": "NUDITY"
This is how the code will look like to make above call
package main
import (
func Mashape(image string, api_key string) {
req := rextro.NewTequest("https://nuditysearch.p.mashape.com/nuditySearch/image")
//headers to be sent
req.Headers["X-Mashape-Key"] = api_key
req.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.Headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
// parameters to be sent
req.Body["setting"] = "2"
req.Body["objecturl"] = image
// get response as json converted // you can also make 'GET' request instead of 'POST'
container, err := req.FetchJson("POST")
if err != nil {
// use this to get raw response as byte array
// byteArray , err := req.Fetch("POST")
// OR
// use this to get response as a string
// respString , err := req.FetchString("POST")
// The Request is internally done using https://godoc.org/net/http#NewRequest
/// Lets fetch json values from Response looks like this ////////
"version": "config_v8_2014-01-31",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"transactionid": "1234",
"objecturl": "http://i.imgur.com/4hGni1I.jpg",
"setting": 2,
"score": 94,
"classification": "NUDITY"
message := container.Path("message").Data().(string)
if message == "SUCCESS" {
} else {
fmt.Print("Something went wrong")
func main() {
key := "YOUR_API_KEY"
image_url := "http://i.imgur.com/4hGni1I.jpg"
Mashape(image_url, key)
#Note The package internally uses : https://github.com/Jeffail/gabs to parse json , you can refer its godoc here : https://godoc.org/github.com/Jeffail/gabs to do more stuff on FetchJson output , as it returns the Container of gabs package.