- add_note - add a note to SimpleNote (requires SimpleNote account)
- cam - very customized script that SSHs to my home network, finds my Android phone over the local network, and makes an SSH tunnel to it for remote viewing
- exercism-completion - bash completion for exercism.io
- frame2 - incomplete redis framework with transaction logging and some other operations
- geoTranslate - simple little script to translate an address to its GPS coordinates
- goodReads - short script that takes your GoodReads to-read shelf and outputs the books with page length originally made this to be part of a larger project that can suggest books based on how long you want to spend on it (in an age of nearly unlimited information, time becomes the limitation)
- make_layer - bash script to create a lambda layer using docker
- masstxt - python script that takes a CSV file of phone numbers and sends a text to all of them (Google Voice account required)
- move_pics - python script to organize Dropbox's "Camera Uploads" folder, assuming directories already created for years and months
- postFlash - bash script that sets up TonidoPlug 1.0 after flashing to factory firmware
- push_note push a note to all devices via pushbullet
- qr - python script to convert data to a screen-printable QR code
- simplenote_save- python script to save a user's entire simplenote account (includes deleted notes)
- verifyVIN - verifies a VIN based on the VIN checksum digit calculation
- vv_concerts -(obsolete, website change) parse list of artists playing in NYC according to the Village Voice (to be used in a another project)
- webcamShot - bash script to take a screenshot and save it to /tmp (requires vlc)
- wol - script that sends a magic packet to a hard coded (for now) MAC address
- wordNeighbors - function that takes a text and a given string and returns the words surrounding the string; this will be used in a contextual search program which only displays words when they are near other specific words
- twit_post - multi-account command line tweeter for multiple accounts via command line
- twitter_oauth - quickly get an auth token
- OBSOLETE tweet_backup - backup functionality now included in twitter (backs up a given user's public timeline (takes the user as only argument))