Command line tool for searching through and analyzing event streams of EventStoreDB.
- Search event streams for
- any (free) text
- json attribute/value pairs
- regular expressions
- List matches in
- text format
- Throttle ES access by
- limiting #events to read per batch
- sleeping period after each batch
- wait for user interaction after batch
EventStore.Inspector.exe <Verb> <Options>
search Search for events in a stream
analyse Analyse stats for a particular stream
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
General options:
-c (--connection)
Connection string for the EventStore. (default: tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113)
-v (--verbose)
Set output to verbose messages
-s (--stream)
Event stream to inspect (default: $ce-all)
--batch Number of events to process within one batch (default: 100)
--mode What to do after processing one batch: AwaitUserInput/Sleep/Continue (default: Sleep)
--sleep Number of milliseconds to sleep after each batch (requires Sleep mode, default 500)
--forward Whether to start processing events from beginning or end of the stream (default: false)
Options for "search":
-t (--text)
Text to search the event stream for
-j (--json)
Specify a JSON property to search for: <key>:<value>
-r (--regex)
Specify a regular expression to search for
-o (--output)
Output formats: Text/Json (default: text)
-a (--aggregate)
Specify how to aggregate multiple search functions: or/and (default: or)
Options for "analyse":
-t (--type)
Specify a filter for event type (default: empty, any type is allowed)