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Ledger accessing your wallet

MichalPetro edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 2 revisions

Access your Cardano wallet on Ledger Nano S with AdaLite

  1. Make sure that the site you are visiting is Plug in your Ledger Nano S, enter your PIN code and choose Cardano app.

  1. Ledger device should be in Waiting for commands… mode

  1. On the AdaLite web page, click on the Hardware wallet tab, under How do you want to access your Cardano Wallet? title.

  1. Here click on Unlock with Ledger button. Please make sure that Ledger Live is closed before clicking on this button.

  1. If a dropdown with devices appears, select Nano S (or Nano X) and click "Connect".

AdaLite will show Loading wallet data... message and wait for inputs from the Ledger device.

  1. On the Ledger device, export public keys by pressing right button.

You successfully accessed your Cardano wallet on the Ledger device. You can see your current balance and past transactions (if any). If you have issues connecting, you can try using different method. Click on dropdown and change default to other method.