Yet another url shortener
docker-compose up -d
- Create new short url
➜ ~ curl -X POST -d '{"link":""}' http://localhost:8888/shortcut
{"id": "k0gvcpsgtd"}%
➜ ~ ws ws://
> {"command":"shortcut","body":{"link":""}}
< {"code": 200, "body": {"id": "k0gvcpsgtd"}}
- Get last redirect timestamp and count of redirects
➜ ~ curl -X POST -d '{"id":"k0gvcpsgtd"}' http://localhost:8888/stats
{"last_redirected": 1513959507.3422477, "redirects_count": 1}%
➜ ~ ws ws://
> {"command":"get_stats","body":{"id":"k0gvcpsgtd"}}
< {"code": 200, "body": {"last_redirected": null, "redirects_count": 0}}
- Redirect to real link
➜ ~ curl http://localhost:8888/r/k0gvcpsgtd
302: Found%
- Remove all data from db
➜ ~ curl -X DELETE -d '{"confirm":"Yes"}' http://localhost:8888/admin/all_links
200: OK%
➜ ~ ws ws://
> {"command":"purge_all","body":{"confirm":"yes"}}
< {"code": 200, "body": {}}
- Get map all links
➜ ~ curl http://localhost:8888/admin/all_links
{"links": {"k0gvcpsgtd": ""}}%
➜ ~ ws ws://
> {"command":"get_all_links","body":{}}
< {"code": 200, "body": {"links": {"k0gvcpsgtd": ""}}}
- - websocket cli for exploring and debugging.