API developed at NLW4. To control surveys with sending emails.
--> Guide
yarn add express
yarn add @types/express -D
yarn add typescript -D
yarn add ts-node-dev -D // convert code yo typescript
yarn add uuid
yarn add @types/uuid -D
yarn add jest @types/jest -D
yarn add ts-test -D
yarn add supertest @types/supertest -D
yarn add nodemailer
yarn add @types/nodemailer -D
yarn add handlebars
yarn add yup
yarn add express-async-errors
/initialize script/ yarn tsc --init /alter to false - archive: tsconfig.json/ "strict": true, /_ Enable all strict type-checking options. _/
/to initialise server/ add on package.json "scripts": { "dev": "ts-node-dev --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules src/server.ts", "typeorm": "ts-node-dev node_modules/typeorm/cli.js" },
/typeorm/ yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata
/sqlite/ yarn add sqlite3
/_ http methods GET => to find any data POST => to save any data PUT => to update any data DELETE => to delete any data PATCH => to update specify value on a data _/
/_VS CODE If use SQLITE, install extension: SQLite (alexcvzz) _/
/tests with jest/ yarn jest --init
/in file jest.config.ts/ bail: true /if one test failed, stop it/
/files for test/ testMatch: [ "**/tests/*.test.ts", ],
preset: "ts-jest",