This repository contains the shared code style configurations for Web Development @ DBF UZH.
The following packages are currently available:
for basic Javascript projects@uzh-bf/code-style-react-ts
for basic Typescript projects
More packages for specific use cases will be added as needed (e.g., for NextJS projects).
Install the package that is relevant in your context and add some or all of the following scripts to your package.json
if you are working on a Typescript project:
"check": "npm-run-all --parallel check:ts format:ci lint",
"check:ts": "tsc",
"check:fix": "npm-run-all check:ts format lint:fix",
"format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.(js|ts|tsx|graphql|json)\" \"*.(js|ts)\"",
"format:ci": "prettier --list-different \"src/**/*.(js|ts|tsx|graphql|json)\" \"*.(js|ts)\"",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.tsx src/",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix --ext .js,.ts,.tsx src/"
Alternatively, use the following for a vanilla Javascript project:
"check": "npm-run-all --parallel format:ci lint",
"check:fix": "npm-run-all format lint:fix",
"format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.(js|graphql|json)\" \"*.js\"",
"format:ci": "prettier --list-different \"src/**/*.(js|graphql|json)\" \"*.js\"",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js src/",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix --ext .js src/"
Next, you need to create top-level configuration files for prettier
and eslint
. Create a file .prettierrc.js
with the following contents (and take to import from the package you have actually installed):
// .prettierrc.js
const { prettier } = require('@uzh-bf/code-style-react-ts')
module.exports = prettier
Also, create an anologous file .eslintrc.js
with the following contents:
// .eslintrc.js
const { eslint } = require('@uzh-bf/code-style-react-ts')
module.exports = eslint
Finally, create or extend your .eslintignore
to include .eslintrc.js
, as that will prevent your ESLint config from causing lint errors itself.
Once you have performed the setup as described above, simply run npm run format
to execute prettier
with the shared configuration, or npm run lint
ro execute eslint
Configurations can be customized on a project-level by merging the configuration object as imported with one containing your own rules, and exporting the newly merged configuration.