This is a web service provides collections context servives to the Virgo4 Client
Requires Go 1.16.0+
- GET /version - get version information
- GET /healthcheck - check the system status
- GET /api/lookup?q=[target name] - lookup collection context for a named collection. Ex: Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm
- GET /api/collections/:id/dates?year=YYYY - get publication dates for a collection year
- GET /api/collections/:id/items/:date/next - get the next published item; date format=yyyy-mm-dd
- GET /api/collections/:id/items/:date/previous - get the previous published item; date format=yyyy-mm-dd
This service uses a Postgres DB to track collection data. The schema is managed by and the scripts are in ./db/migrations.
Install the migrate binary on your host system. For OSX, the easiest method is brew. Execute:
brew install golang-migrate
Define your PSQL connection params in an environment variable, like this:
export COLL_DB=postgres://v4_collections:pass@localhost:5432/v4_collections?sslmode=disable
Run migrations like this:
migrate -database ${COLL_DB} -path db/migrations up
Example migrate commads to create a migration and run one:
migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq update_user_auth
migrate -database ${COLL_DB} -path db/migrations/ up
Sample setup of a user for local testing:
postgres=# create database v4_collections;
postgres=# create user v4_collections with encrypted password 'pass';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database v4_collections to v4_collections;