The project contains the Dockerfiles for all the necessary components of Avalon Media System. For developing with Avalon, the docker-compose script in Avalon and Avalon Bundle are recommended.
- Install Docker
- Install Docker-Compose
- Install Docker Desktop for Mac
docker compose
is built into docker now. Don't usedocker-compose
on OSX.
- Clone this Repo
- From inside the avalon-docker directory
sudo chmod a+w masterfiles
to setup write permission for shared directorydocker compose build
to get the prebuilt images from Dockerhubdocker compose up
to stand up the stack.-d
option to run in backgrounddocker compose up --build
to build and run in one commanddocker exec -it avalon-docker_uva-avalon_1 bundle exec rake uva:migrate:all_derivatives
example to run rake tasks
To access the site, visit http://localhost in your browser.
docker compose logs <service_name>
to see the container(s) logsdocker compose build --no-cache <service_name>
to build the image(s) from scratchdocker ps
to see all running containersdocker exec -it avalondocker_avalon_1 /bin/bash
to log into Avalon docker containerdocker compose exec uva-avalon /bin/bash
This also connects to the running containerdocker compose exec uva-avalon bundle exec rails c
is also very usefuldocker system prune
is handy if you start running low on disk space
- The docker-compose.yml file in this project is for local development only and is pre-configured for use without additional environment variables.
- UVA customizations should go into avalon/ and:
- will be copied into the container when built, replacing files from the standard avalon app
- should mirror the Avalon repo
- docker-compose.yml mounts the local ./masterfiles/ into the container.
- ./masterfiles/dropbox is the local dropbox directory
- other persistent storage uses standard docker volumes called:
- streaming: nginx streaming files
- storage: supplemental files stored by activerecord
- database: the local db
- fedora: fedora files
- solr: solr files
- Vim is available in the container
- The first page load takes quite a while as webpacker builds the js assets allowing live code reloading
- Attach to the container to edit the live instance, final changes need to go in
. docker compose up --build
will refresh the container with the contents of./avalon
and start up the stack, but can be slow
- Upgrade to Avalon 7.7.2
- required solr upgrade to 9.x
- reindex with
docker exec containerID nohup bundle exec rake avalon:reindex[threads] &
bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:collection_managers
bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:caption_files