Allows setting the SSL protocol suite (ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, etc.) for a subclass of httplib.HTTPSConnection (Python 2.6/2.7). Borrows from but uses subclassing instead of monkey- patching.
import https_shim
import ssl
conn = https_shim.HTTPSConnection('', '443', ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)
conn.request('GET', '/get?foo=bar')
conn.https_shim.HTTPSConnection('', '443')
See the tests if you want a few examples.
Note that this has only really been tested in Python 2.6 so far.
You can run the tests with
nosetests https_shim
If you pip install with the extra "test_support", the packages needed for running the tests will alsoo be installed (in particular, nose), e.g.,
pip install -e <path-to-https-shim>[test_support]