# git clone --recursive https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/cvmfs-example
# cd cvmfs-example
# ansible-playbook -c localhost cvmfs_client.yml
This will print a lot of output, but it can mostly be ignored unless it fails.
PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [cvmfs : Configure CernVM yum repositories] ***********************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'description': u'CernVM packages', u'name': u'cernvm', u'baseurl': u'http://cvmrepo.web.cern.ch/cvmrepo/yum/cvmfs/EL/$releasever/$basearch/'})
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'description': u'CernVM-FS extra config packages', u'name': u'cernvm-config', u'baseurl': u'http://cvmrepo.web.cern.ch/cvmrepo/yum/cvmfs-config/EL/$releasever/$basearch/'})
TASK [cvmfs : Install CernVM yum key] **********************************************
Once that's done, CVMFS will be set up! It uses autofs for mounting, and should have installed + created an autofs mountpoint:
Check that the following file exists. Depending on your OS it might be /etc/auto.master
as well.
# cat /etc/auto.master.d/cvmfs.autofs
# automatically generated by CernVM-FS
/cvmfs /etc/auto.cvmfs
If it doesn't, then run cvmfs_config setup
. After which the following commands will work.
You can test the CVMFS client by exploring the cvmfs mounts:
# ls /cvmfs/data.galaxyproject.org/
byhand managed
# ls /cvmfs/data.galaxyproject.org/byhand
AaegL1 braFlo1 ce5 droAna2 felCat4 jacJac1 musMus5 phiX strPur2
AgamP3 caeJap1 ce6 droAna3 felCat5 lengths musMus6 PhumU1 strPur3
ailMel1 caeJap2 ce7 droEre1 fr1 lMaj5 musMus7 ponAbe2 susScr1
# ls /cvmfs/data.galaxyproject.org/byhand/mm10
bowtie2_index bowtie_index bwa_index bwa_index_v0.5.9-r16 bwa_index_v0.7.10-r789 chrom liftOver picard_index sam_index seq
The folders will not be listed in /cvmfs by default, you can see these by listing the configured repositories:
# cvmfs_config showconfig | grep CVMFS_REPOSITORY_NAME
# ls /cvmfs/main.galaxyproject.org
bin config deps fontconfig galaxy migrated_tools python shed_tools tags.txt tmp tool_data var venv
This will also tell you that we distribute Singularity containers by default. Have a look at ls -l /cvmfs/singularity.galaxyproject.org/
to see more.