- Docker
- Docker Compose
This server uses 8000 port. Please don't forget to check the 8000 port is free.
First, you have to prepare environment variables via .env
file. This repository has a example.env
file. You can create the .env
file copying this file.
FIY, you can modify each values in .env
file, especially DB_PASS
$ cp example.env .env
$ vim .env
Then, you build a docker image and start containers (API server and PostGIS). After initializing PostGIS, you can see the API documentation on http://localhost:8000/docs/.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Python 3.8
- pipenv
Example on macOS:
$ brew install [email protected] pipenv
Example on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install pipenv
We create a virtual python environment with pipenv
. This repository has a Pipfile
and Pipfile.lock
. So you can reproduce the virtual python environment on your computer.
$ pipenv install -d # install required packages
$ pipenv shell # enable virtual python environment
See above section. Changes on your code will be applied automatically on the docker container without rebuilding or restarting.
On this repository, the Gitlab CI has been enabled. When you push a commit on this repository, the CI checks code format automatically. If your code doesn't follow the code formatting rule, the CI will send a error to you. Before pushing the commits, you can re-format the codes with linter.
$ pipenv run fmt
First, you convert a shape file into a sql file with this command. To run this command, you have to make a tmp
directory which includes shape files.
$ mkdir -p tmp
$ cp foo.shp foo.dbf (and other related files) ./tmp
$ docker container run -it --rm --volume ${PWD}/tmp:/data pgrouting/pgrouting:13-3.0-3.1.1 bash
# apt update
# apt install -y postgis
# cd /data
# shp2pgsql -D -I -S -a -s 4326 path/to/foo.shp public.import > import.sql
Alternatively download sample data:
wget -O data/import.sql https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ursci/hikagefinder-data/main/shibuya/SunExpo_shibuya_9_10_every5min.sql
Then create and setup the database where necessary:
$ createdb -U postgres hikage_prod
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/00_create_role.sql
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/01_enable_extensions.sql
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/02_prepare_tables.sql
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/03_prepare_views.sql
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/04_insert_shortest_function.sql
$ psql -U postgres -d hikage_prod -f setup/05_insert_shade_function.sql
In the next step import and process the converted data:
$ docker-compose exec postgis bash
# psql -U ursci -d hikage_prod -f data/import.sql
# psql -U ursci -d hikage_prod -c "SELECT public.pgr_createTopology('import', 0.0000001, 'geom', 'gid')";
# psql -U ursci -d hikage_prod -c "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW public.shades"
# psql -U ursci -d hikage_prod -c "ANALYZE"
Finally, you just run the docker containers above way.
Steps to do to run application in a local environment.
- Install
, for example withsudo apt install pipenv
orbrew install pipenv
- Install dependencies with
pipenv install
- Activate the virtual environment with
pipenv shell
- Run the application with
uvicorn main:app --host --reload
- Leave the virtual environment with
Configure PyCharm to run/debug the application
- Create a new Configuration:
Run->Edit Configurations
- Set the Script Path to
- Set the Parameters to
main:app --host --reload
- Set the Python Interpreter to
- Set the Working Directory to
This program is free software. See LICENSE for more information.