TeamUp is a web application for teams to collaborate. Built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js).
- Sign up and sign in as a user
- view all users who have signed up.
- User info is stored in a MondoDB database provisioned through Heroku and MLab.
Immediate goals:
- A user can create a team
- Admin user (team creator by default) can invite other users to join a team (max 10 users per team)
- A user can view their team invitations and accept/join teams
- A user can view a list of their teams
- A user can select one of their teams to view the other members of the team
In the root directory, run the command npm install
to install dependencies for the backend.
cd into the msights-client directory, and run the command npm install
to install dependencies for the front end React App
To start a development server running the React App front end, cd into the frontend directory, and run the command npm start
to start the development server at localhost:3000.
To start the express server locally (development environment), from the root directory, run the command npm run dev
to start the development server using nodemon.
The Dtabase was provisioned using Heroku's MLab add-on feature. The Backend server connects to the database using the DB URI, which is in the .env file at /backend/.env. As a production app, all of the files containing secret keys would be included in .gitignore.
The Database has a collection called 'users.' Each User has a first name, last name, email, password, and creation date. From the root directory, cd into the 'schemas' directory and see the file 'User.js.'