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Uploadcare Rails Example app

This example project demonstrates the uploadcare-rails capabilities. The project is based on Ruby 3.3.0, Rails 7.1 and PostgreSQL.

NOTE The project points to the main branch of the uploadcare-rails and uploadcare-ruby gems. If you want to use the latest release, please specify the version in the Gemfile file.


Using Docker

First, clone the repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:uploadcare/uploadcare-rails-example.git

Then generate a GITHUB_TOKEN here with a selected checkbox write:packages.

After that, create the docker-compose.yml file, and copy the content from the docker-compose.yml.sample file there. Then replace YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN with generated GITHUB_TOKEN in the docker-compose.yml file.

To install the example application you need to install Docker Compose package. When Docker Compose is installed, build a Docker image by using the build command:

$ docker-compose build

This command will build an image for the application.

When the image is ready — up the containers with the following command.

$ docker-compose up

Then, create a new database with command:

$ docker-compose exec web rails db:create db:migrate

Now, the application must be available in your web-browser, on http://localhost:3000

Application is available

Without docker

First of all, clone this repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:uploadcare/uploadcare-rails-example.git

Make sure Ruby and Rails are installed on your system. Fire command prompt and run command:

$ ruby -v
# => ruby 3.3.0 (2023-12-25 revision 5124f9ac75) [arm64-darwin23]
$ rails -v
# => Rails

If Ruby or(and) Rails are not installed, check out following links with instructions, how to install those:

Then install gems:

$ bundle install

After gems are installed, set your PostgreSQL credentials(env vars POSTGRES_USERNAME, POSTGRES_PASSWORD) and create a new local database:

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate

Now, you can run the rails server:

$ rails s

and see the application available in your web-browser, on http://localhost:3000



To start using tha application you need to set your API keys (public key and secret key). These keys can be set as ENV variables using the export directive:

$ export UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY=demopublickey
$ export UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY=demoprivatekey

Or you can use popular gems like dotenv-rails for setting ENV variables.

Run the config generator command to generate a configuration file:

$ rails g uploadcare_config

The generator will create a new file in config/initializers/uploadcare.rb.

The public key must be specified in config/initializers/uploadcare.rb to use Uploadcare file upload. This step is done automatically in the initializer if you set the ENV variable UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY earlier.

Uploadcare::Rails.configure do |config|
  # Sets your Uploadcare public key.
  config.public_key = ENV.fetch('UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'demopublickey')

There are also some options set by default:

# Deletes files from Uploadcare servers after object destroy.
config.delete_files_after_destroy = true

# Sets caching for Uploadcare files
config.cache_files = true

# Available locales currently are:
# ar az ca cs da de el en es et fr he it ja ko lv nb nl pl pt ro ru sk sr sv tr uk vi zhTW zh
config.locale = 'en'

# If true, inputs on your page are initialized automatically, see the article for details -
# = true

# If true, input initialization is invoked manually.
# See
config.manual_start = false

Then you can configure all global variables such as files storing/caching, deleting files, etc. Full list of available options is listed in the file itself. Just uncomment an option and set the value.

Project section

You can get the project information by your public key.

Project info

Files section

This section contains operations with files. Such as uploading, copying, storing, deleting. The page shows all the files you have on Uploadcare servers. Each file has actions, so it is possible to manage files on this page as well as on the show page.

Files index

To go to the show page, simply click on a filename:

Show file page

The index page also has links to files batch operations pages — batch store and batch delete. Pages for batch operations look similar and allow to select several files to store them or delete at once.

Batch store files

File Groups section

File Groups section provides user interface to manage file groups on Uploadcare.

The index page shows a minimal info about each group including ID and files count.

Index groups

Click on a group ID, you go to the show group page:

Show groups

This page also provides actions to manage group files and a group itself (store operation only unless a group is already stored).

To create a new group, click on the Create file group button in the menu. The form will be opened:

Create a new file group

Files uploading

Example up can upload files in three ways: it uploads local files via API interface (along with a view form), local files via Widget (see Posts section) and uploading remote files from URL.


The locales from the widget can be customized by the config.locale_translations option in the initializer. The widget localizations can be found here. The default locale is en. Here's an example of how to override some translations: config/initializers/uploadcare.rb. Don't forget to specify the path to translation files in the initializer here: config/initializers/uploadcare.rb.

Upload a local file

To upload local file from your machine, click on Upload local file button in the menu. Then click Browse on the form and check a file to upload. All the fields in the form will be filled automatically depending on file's mime-type and filename. You can input your custom mime-type and filename, though. There is also Store option indicating if Uploadcare will store your file permanently (if enabled) or remove it after 24 hours.

Upload local file

Upload a file from URL

To upload a file from URL, click on the appropriate button in the menu. This form has one text input for an URL and one for a filename. Store option is present as well. All you need is input file's URL and filename, check (or not) the Store check-box and a file will be uploaded.

Upload file from URL


The application can manage documents and video conversions sending request to Uploadcare REST API Conversion endpoints.


Remember, to convert files, your account must have this feature enabled. It means that your UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY and UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY (not demo keys) must be specified in config/initializers/uploadcare.rb. This feature is only available for paid plans.

Documents conversion

To convert a document, go to the Convert document section, choose a file to convert, target format and page (if the chosen target format is jpg or png and you want to convert a single page of a multi-paged document). There are three check-boxes. Store is responsible for storing files as mentioned above. The Save in group option allows conversion of a multi-page document into a file group. And, the Throw error option detects if the app should raise an error instead of rescuing this within a simple flash message.

Convert document

After the form is submitted, if you have not selected the Save in group option, you'll see a Conversion result page, which shows some info about conversion: Status, Error and output file's UUID. Updating the page will refresh the status as said on the page.

Convert document result

If you have selected the Save in group option, you'll be redirected to the Document conversion formats info page. Here you can see the group UUID for the converted format in the Converted Groups section. It may take some time to convert a document, so you can refresh the page to see the Converted Groups.

Convert document group result

Video conversion

Video conversion works the same way but the form has some additional parameters to set. As the document form it has File, Target format and check-boxes — Throw error and Store. But you can also specify quality, resize, cut and thumbs options.

Convert video

Conversion result page also includes information about how conversion is going.

Convert video result


The webhooks section represents CRUD(create, read, update, delete) operations for Uploadcare webhooks.


Remember, to manage webhooks, your account must have this feature enabled. It means that your UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY and UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY (not demo keys) must be specified in config/initializers/uploadcare.rb. This feature is only available for paid plans.

The menu button Webhooks points to the webhooks list page. Each list item has edit/delete actions and minimal info about a webhook.

Webhooks list

Clicking on an ID of a list item redirects you to the show page of a webhook. Here you can find additional info and actions.

Webhook's info

To create a new webhook, click the Create a webhook button in the menu. On the form, you should specify an URL for your webhook and check if it should be enabled immediately.

Create a webhook

Metadata section

File metadata is additional, arbitrary data, associated with uploaded file.

Show file metadata:

  1. select file and run showing metadata Metadata section
  2. show/create/update/delete metadata by key Actions with Metadata

Add-Ons section

An Add-On is an application implemented by Uploadcare that accepts uploaded files as an input and can produce other files and/or appdata as an output.

Virus scan

Execute file virus checking:

  1. select file and run checking Virus scan
  2. check operation status Virus scan check status

Rekognition Labels

Execute file rekognition labels:

  1. select file and run checking Rekognition Labels
  2. check operation status Rekognition labels check status

Remove BG

Execute file removing background:

  1. select file and run checking Remove BG
  2. check operation status Remove BG check status

Posts section

This section of the application made to demonstrate view helpers that allow to place Uploadcare File Uploader widget to a Rails view. The app has a model called Post and having fields title:String, logo:String and attachments:String. Logo and attachments represent Uploadcare::File and Uploadcare::Group respectively.

Index page for posts shows a list of posts. Each list item has edit/delete actions.

Posts list

Clicking on title will direct you to the show page of a post.

Show post

To create a new post, click on the Create a post button. The post form will be opened. The form contains a text field for post title, one File Uploaders — for post's logo and one — for post's attachments. These File Uploaders differ from each other by the multiple option. For logo it is false, and for attachments — true.

Create a post

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