Implementation of the RSA Cryptosystem
This repository contains an implementation of the RSA encryption algorithm in Java. The algorithm is implemented in the Key class, which generates large prime numbers, a modulus, and both private and public keys.
The process of this RSA algorithim implementation can be broken down into 9 steps.
- The Key class is instantiated, which triggers the constructor.
- The constructor starts by generating two large prime numbers using the BigInteger.probablePrime() method and a SecureRandom object. The probablePrime() method generates a random BigInteger that is probably prime, with the specified bit length. The bit length is passed as an argument and in this case it is set to 1024. A new SecureRandom object is also created to provide a source of randomness when generating the prime numbers.
- The constructor then calculates the modulus, n, by multiplying the two large prime numbers together using the BigInteger.multiply() method. The modulus is used as a common factor in both the encryption and decryption process.
- The constructor next calculates the value of r, which is almost as large as n, by using the equation r = (p-1) * (q-1), where p and q are the two large prime numbers. The BigInteger.subtract() method is used to subtract 1 from each of the prime numbers, and the BigInteger.multiply() method is used to multiply these values together.
- The constructor then finds a relatively prime number to r by starting with the number 2 and checking if it is relatively prime to r by checking if the greatest common denominator (GCD) between e and r is equal to 1. This is done using the BigInteger.gcd() method. If the GCD is not equal to 1, meaning e is not relatively prime to r, it checks the next probable prime number using the BigInteger.nextProbablePrime() method until a relatively prime number is found.
- The constructor then calculates the public key, e, by using the BigInteger.modInverse() method with the private key and r. The modInverse() method returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this BigInteger.
- The constructor then sets the private key, public key, and modulus to the values that have been generated or calculated.
- The getPublicKey(), getPrivateKey(), and getModulus() methods can be called to retrieve the values of the public key, private key, and modulus respectively.
- After that, the public key can be used for encrypting a message, and the private key for decrypting it, by using the following formula: c = m^e mod n, where m is the original message, c is the encrypted message, e is the public key, and n is the modulus. To decrypt the message, the formula d = c^d mod n is used, where d is the private key.
Please note that the above implementation is not a full fledged RSA encryption implementation and should not be used in production. It is missing several important security considerations, such as padding and key validation.
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Key key = new Key();
BigInteger plaintext = new BigInteger("12345");
BigInteger ciphertext = cipher(plaintext, key.getPublicKey(), key.getModulus());
BigInteger decrypted = cipher(ciphertext, key.getPrivateKey(), key.getModulus());
System.out.println("Plaintext: " + plaintext);
System.out.println("Ciphertext: " + ciphertext);
System.out.println("Decrypted: " + decrypted);
public static BigInteger cipher(BigInteger plaintext, BigInteger key, BigInteger mod) {
return plaintext.modPow(key, mod);