The goal of {XlsFormUtil} is to bring additional capacities when designing XlsForm questionnaires.
Currently this includes:
Estimate questionnaire duration
Output a pretty print version from a maste version in xlsform
Perform a systematic comparison between an initial questionnaire (master) and a customized and contextualised version. This allow to ensure that all key variables required for indicator calculation are correctly included.
The packages is also available as a shinyApp @
You can install the development version of XlsFormUtil from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
For developers, look fork the repository and look at the dev folder.
The packages comes with a companion ShinyApp
The package mostly leverages the capacity of the {flextable} package and embed UNHCR template from {unhcrdown}.
Two other R package / projects QuestionnaireHTML and ODK2Doc were built with the same goal but with a limited scope and styling capacity. Last there’s also from a similar project in python: