This repository contains the cross compile toolchain for Unfolded Circle Remote Two products and is based on Buildroot.
The toolchain contains the sysroot directory for cross-compiling binaries targeted for the Remote Two device. It is not the embedded Linux system running on the device!
This toolchain is used to build our Docker cross-compile image with static Qt
which can be pulled from Docker Hub. It's a ready-made image to cross-compile the remote-ui
Qt app for the Remote Two
device. Therefore, there's usually no need to tinker with this toolchain or compile it yourself, if you simply want to
build a custom remote-ui app for your device 😎
Clone project with git submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
./ ucr2-toolchain-sdk
- After a successful build the toolchain archive will be stored in:
- For more information about the Buildroot cross-compilation toolchain, please see the Buildroot manual
- ⚠ This toolchain does not contain Qt.
- Building and cross-compiling Qt for an embedded platform can be quite a challenge!
- Unfortunately static Qt library compilation in Buildroot has been removed a while ago when switching to the modular Qt5 version.
- Thanks to the toolchain containing a properly prepared sysroot and the Qt everywhere archives, it becomes a little less daunting task, especially when combined with Docker. See next section!
See docker/ how to build and use a cross-compile image with a static Qt version for the Remote Two.
The Docker image is also published in our Docker Hub repository.
TLDR - this is how you cross-compile your Qt project on your host for the Remote Two:
docker run --rm -it \
--user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ~/projects/unfoldedcircle/remote-ui:/sources \
Static Qt app will be on your host: ~/projects/unfoldedcircle/remote-ui/binaries/linux-arm64/release/remote-ui
The major changes found in each new release of a toolchain are listed in the changelog and under the GitHub releases.
Please read our contribution guidelines before opening a pull request.