- RITESHKUMAR GUPTA, 001280361, [email protected]
- ROHAN MAGARE, 001231457, [email protected]
- PRATIKSHA S SHETTY, 001643697, [email protected]
- YOGITA JAIN, 001643815, [email protected]
- The objective of the project is to develop a simple web application wherein a user can be registered and logged in.
- MySql
- Java jre 8
- JMeter
- Apache Tomcat 8
Built with:
- Gradle
- .jmx for Jmeter testing
- travis.yml for travis-ci testing
- JUnits for unit testing
For running the application locally
Change the property spring.profiles.active
in application properties to dev
For running the test cases:
Change the property spring.profiles.active
in application properties to test
This will run the Junit tests on travisCI.
This change is needed because the web application is integrated with MySQl database for it to fetch, authenticate and put data and we are using H2 database to run the tests on Travis on git commit.
For running the JMeter test: Change the property spring.profiles.active in application properties to dev This will run the load tests in JMeter.
The load test creates 100 random users and tests the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE performance of the application.
link to TravisCI: https://travis-ci.com/Riteshgpt11/csye6225-fall2017-lambd
Test the ci after removing gitlab link