This repository contains examples of a Jenkins Shared Library and JenkinsPipelineUnit test harness
├── jobs
│ │
│ └── template # Template pipeline scripts to load the lib
| | # are used by unit tests
│ └── pipeline
│ └── template.groovy
├── src
│ ├── org
│ │ └── hcm
│ │ └── libjenkins
│ │ └── Gitlab.groovy # An example of a class
│ │
│ └── test
│ └── groovy
│ └── *.groovy # JenkinsPipelineUnit tests
└── vars
└── gitlab_stage.groovy # Wrapper for gitalbCommitStatus
./gradlew test
# Runing gradle behind a proxy
./gradlew -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 test