My personal site, to be found at Built and maintained by using Jekyll for site generation. Hosted on GitHub Pages.
The following directories and their contents are Copyright Ulf Schneider. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:
Some configurations, like site title for example, can be made in /_config.yml
Feel free to use all other HTML and CSS as you like. If you do use them, a link back to would be appreciated, but is not required.
layout: list|default
- list will summarize posts or pages which have a front matter variable tags that contains a value which is equal to the entry tags inside of the list layout
- default may be used for any page or any post to be shown inside of the list layout
title: notitle|A text string The title of a page or a post. Any post of layout type post and a value in title will appear on the blog page. And any post of layout-type gallery or image will also appear in the navigation structure. A value of notitle or false or just empty will hide the display of the title.
subtitle: A text string
The sub title of a page or a post.
mainnav: A text string
Only pages with mainnav entry will appear on the top-navigation.
abstract: A paragraph.
A short abstract for posts of layout type post. Will appear in the blog summary for those posts.
forward: A forward URL
To be used in posts of layout type post. Will produce an entry in the blog overview but forward not to the post but to the given forward address when clicking on the title.
categories: A comma-separated text string list
Tagging for the content. When you specify a category for a post of type gallery, the gallery will display all posts of type image that contain the same category.