This is demo of using FixedDataTable React component packaged with CLJSJS in Om app.
First-time Clojurescript developers, add the following to your bash .profile:
alias cljsbuild="lein trampoline cljsbuild $@"
To avoid compiling ClojureScript for each build, AOT Clojurescript locally in your project with the following:
lein trampoline run -m clojure.main
user=> (compile 'cljs.closure)
user=> (compile 'cljs.core)
Subsequent builds can use:
lein cljsbuild auto
Clean project specific out:
lein clean
For more info, read Waitin'.
Copyright © 2015 Ruslan Prokopchuk
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.