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Decred block explorer, with packages and apps for data collection and storage. Written in Go.


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dcrdata is an original Decred block explorer, with packages and apps for data collection, presentation, and storage. The backend and middleware are written in Go. On the front end, Webpack enables the use of modern javascript features, as well as SCSS for styling.

Release Status

Always run the Current release or on the Current stable branch. Do not use master in production.

Series Branch Latest release tag dcrd RPC server version required
Development 6.1 master N/A ^7.0.0 (dcrd v1.7 release)
Current 6.0 6.0-stable release-v6.0 ^6.2.0 (dcrd v1.6 release)

Repository Overview

../dcrdata                The main Go MODULE. See cmd/dcrdata for the explorer executable.
├── api/types             The exported structures used by the dcrdata and Insight APIs.
├── blockdata             Package blockdata is the primary data collection and
|                           storage hub, and chain monitor.
├── cmd
│   └── dcrdata           MODULE for the dcrdata explorer executable.
│       ├── api           dcrdata's own HTTP API
│       │   └── insight   The Insight API
│       ├── explorer      Powers the block explorer pages.
│       ├── middleware    HTTP router middleware used by the explorer
│       ├── notification  Manages dcrd notifications synchronous data collection.
│       ├── public        Public resources for block explorer (css, js, etc.)
│       └── views         HTML templates for block explorer
├── db
│   ├── cache             Package cache provides a caching layer that is used by dcrpg.
│   ├── dbtypes           Package dbtypes with common data types.
│   └── dcrpg             MODULE and package dcrpg providing PostgreSQL backend.
├── dev                   Shell scripts for maintenance and deployment.
├── docs                  Extra documentation.
├── exchanges             MODULE and package for gathering data from public exchange APIs
│   ├── rateserver        rateserver app, which runs an exchange bot for collecting
│   |                       exchange rate data, and a gRPC server for providing this
│   |                       data to multiple clients like dcrdata.
|   └── ratesproto        Package dcrrates implementing a gRPC protobuf service for
|                           communicating exchange rate data with a rateserver.
├── explorer/types        Types used primarily by the explorer pages.
├── gov                   MODULE for the on- and off-chain governance packages.
│   ├── agendas           Package agendas defines a consensus deployment/agenda DB.
│   └── politeia          Package politeia defines a Politeia proposal DB.
│       ├── piclient      Package piclient provides functions for retrieving data
|       |                   from the Politeia web API.
│       └── types         Package types provides several JSON-tagged structs for
|                           dealing with Politeia data exchange.
├── mempool               Package mempool for monitoring mempool for transactions,
|                           data collection, distribution, and storage.
├── netparams             Package netparams defines the TCP port numbers for the
|                           various networks (mainnet, testnet, simnet).
├── pubsub                Package pubsub implements a websocket-based pub-sub server
|   |                       for blockchain data.
│   ├── democlient        democlient app provides an example for using psclient to
|   |                       register for and receive messages from a pubsub server.
│   ├── psclient          Package psclient is a basic client for the pubsub server.
│   └── types             Package types defines types used by the pubsub client
|                           and server.
├── rpcutils              Package rpcutils contains helper types and functions for
|                           interacting with a chain server via RPC.
├── semver                Defines the semantic version types.
├── stakedb               Package stakedb, for tracking tickets
├── testutil
│   ├── apiload           An HTTP API load testing application
|   └── dbload            A DB load testing application
└── txhelpers             Package txhelpers provides many functions and types for
                            processing blocks, transactions, voting, etc.


  • Go 1.20 or 1.21
  • Node.js 16.x or later. Node.js is only used as a build tool, and is not used at runtime.
  • Running dcrd running with --txindex, and synchronized to the current best block on the network. On startup, dcrdata will verify that the dcrd version is compatible.
  • PostgreSQL 11+

Docker Support

Dockerfiles are provided for convenience, but NOT SUPPORTED. See the Docker documentation for more information. The supported dcrdata build instructions are described below.


The dcrdata build process comprises two general steps:

  1. Bundle the static web page assets with Webpack (via the npm tool).
  2. Build the dcrdata executable from the Go source files.

These steps are described in detail in the following sections.

NOTE: The following instructions assume a Unix-like shell (e.g. bash).


  • Install Go

  • Verify Go installation:

    go env GOROOT GOPATH
  • Ensure $GOPATH/bin is on your $PATH.

  • Clone the dcrdata repository. It is conventional to put it under GOPATH, but this is no longer necessary (or recommend) with Go modules. For example:

    git clone $HOME/go-work/github/decred/dcrdata
  • Install Node.js, which is required to lint and package the static web assets.

Note that none of the above is required at runtime.

Package the Static Web Assets

Webpack, a JavaScript module bundler, is used to compile and package the static assets in the cmd/dcrdata/public folder. Node.js' npm tool is used to install the required Node.js dependencies and build the bundled JavaScript distribution for deployment.

First, install the build dependencies:

cd cmd/dcrdata
npm clean-install # creates node_modules folder fresh

Then, for production, build the webpack bundle:

npm run build # creates public/dist folder

Alternatively, for development, npm can be made to watch for and integrate JavaScript source changes:

npm run watch

See Front End Development for more information.

Building dcrdata with Go

Change to the cmd/dcrdata folder and build:

cd cmd/dcrdata
go build -v

The go tool will process the source code and automatically download dependencies. If the dependencies are configured correctly, there will be no modifications to the go.mod and go.sum files.

Note that performing the above commands with older versions of Go within $GOPATH may require setting GO111MODULE=on.

As a reward for reading this far, you may use the script to mostly automate the build steps.

Setting build version flags

By default, the version string will be postfixed with "-pre+dev". For example, dcrdata version 5.1.0-pre+dev (Go version go1.12.7). However, it may be desirable to set the "pre" and "dev" values to different strings, such as "beta" or the actual commit hash. To set these values, build with the -ldflags switch as follows:

go build -v -ldflags \
  "-X main.appPreRelease=beta -X main.appBuild=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`"

This produces a string like dcrdata version 6.0.0-beta+750fd6c2 (Go version go1.16.2).

Runtime Resources

The config file, logs, and data files are stored in the application data folder, which may be specified via the -A/--appdata and -b/--datadir settings. However, the location of the config file may also be set with -C/--configfile. The default paths for your system are shown in the --help description. If encountering errors involving file system paths, check the permissions on these folders to ensure that the user running dcrdata is able to access these paths.

The "public" and "views" folders must be in the same folder as the dcrdata executable. Set read-only permissions as appropriate.


Update the repository (assuming you have master checked out in GOPATH):

cd $HOME/go-work/github/decred/dcrdata
git pull origin master

Look carefully for errors with git pull, and reset locally modified files if necessary.

Next, build dcrdata and bundle the web assets:

cd cmd/dcrdata
go build -v
npm clean-install
npm run build # or npm run watch

Note that performing the above commands with versions of Go prior to 1.16 within $GOPATH may require setting GO111MODULE=on.

Upgrading Instructions

From v3.x or later

No special actions are required. Simply start the new dcrdata and automatic database schema upgrades and table data patches will begin.

From v2.x or earlier

The database scheme change from dcrdata v2.x to v3.x does not permit an automatic migration. The tables must be rebuilt from scratch:

  1. Drop the old dcrdata database, and create a new empty dcrdata database.

    -- Drop the old database.
    DROP DATABASE dcrdata;
    -- Create a new database with the same "pguser" set in the dcrdata.conf.
    CREATE DATABASE dcrdata OWNER dcrdata;
  2. Delete the dcrdata data folder (i.e. corresponding to the datadir setting). By default, datadir is in {appdata}/data:

    • Linux: ~/.dcrdata/data
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Dcrdata/data
    • Windows: C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Dcrdata\data (%localappdata%\Dcrdata\data)
  3. With dcrd synchronized to the network's best block, start dcrdata to begin the initial block data sync.

Getting Started

Configuring PostgreSQL (IMPORTANT! Seriously, read this.)

It is crucial that you configure your PostgreSQL server for your hardware and the dcrdata workload.

Read postgresql-tuning.conf carefully for details on how to make the necessary changes to your system. A helpful online tool for determining good settings for your system is called PGTune. Note that when using this tool, subtract 1.5-2GB from your system RAM so dcrdata itself will have plenty of memory. DO NOT simply use this file in place of your existing postgresql.conf. DO NOT simply copy and paste these settings into the existing postgresql.conf. It is necessary to edit the existing postgresql.conf, reviewing all the settings to ensure the same configuration parameters are not set in two different places in the file (postgres will not complain).

If you tune PostgreSQL to fully utilize remaining RAM, you are limiting the RAM available to the dcrdata process, which will increase as request volume increases and its cache becomes fully utilized. Allocate sufficient memory to dcrdata for your application, and use a reverse proxy such as nginx with cache locking features to prevent simultaneous requests to the same resource.

On Linux, you may wish to use a unix domain socket instead of a TCP connection. The path to the socket depends on the system, but it is commonly /var/run/postgresql. Just set this path in pghost.

Creating the dcrdata Configuration File

Begin with the sample configuration file. With the default appdata directory for the current user on Linux:

cp sample-dcrdata.conf ~/.dcrdata/dcrdata.conf

Then edit dcrdata.conf with your dcrd RPC settings. See the output of dcrdata --help for a list of all options and their default values.

Indexing the Blockchain

If dcrdata has not previously been run with the PostgreSQL database backend, it is necessary to perform a bulk import of blockchain data and generate table indexes. This will be done automatically by dcrdata on a fresh startup. Do NOT interrupt the initial sync or use the browser interface until it is completed.

Note that dcrdata requires that dcrd is running with some optional indexes enabled. By default, these indexes are not turned on when dcrd is installed. To enable them, set the following in dcrd.conf:


If these parameters are not set, dcrdata will be unable to retrieve transaction details and perform address searches, and will exit with an error mentioning these indexes.

Starting dcrdata

Launch the dcrdata daemon and allow the databases to process new blocks. Concurrent synchronization of both stake and PostgreSQL databases is performed, typically requiring between 1.5 to 8 hours. See System Hardware Requirements for more information. Please reread Configuring PostgreSQL (IMPORTANT! Seriously, read this.) of you have performance issues.

On subsequent launches, only blocks new to dcrdata are processed.

./dcrdata    # don't forget to configure dcrdata.conf in the appdata folder!

Do NOT interrupt the initial sync or use the browser interface until it is completed. Follow the messages carefully, and if you are uncertain of the current sync status, check system resource utilization. Interrupting the initial sync can leave dcrdata and it's databases in an unrecoverable or suboptimal state. The main steps of the initial sync process are:

  1. Initial block data import
  2. Indexing
  3. Spending transaction relationship updates
  4. Final DB analysis and indexing
  5. Catch-up to network in normal sync mode
  6. Populate charts historical data
  7. Update Pi repo and parse proposal records (git will be running)
  8. Final catch-up and UTXO cache pre-warming
  9. Update project fund data and then idle

Unlike dcrdata.conf, which must be placed in the appdata folder or explicitly set with -C, the "public" and "views" folders must be in the same folder as the dcrdata executable.

System Hardware Requirements

The time required to sync varies greatly with system hardware and software configuration. The most important factor is the storage medium on the database machine. An SSD (preferably NVMe, not SATA) is REQUIRED. The PostgreSQL operations are extremely disk intensive, especially during the initial synchronization process. Both high throughput and low latencies for fast random accesses are essential.

dcrdata only (PostgreSQL on other host)

Without PostgreSQL, the dcrdata process can get by with:

  • 1 CPU core
  • 2 GB RAM
  • HDD with 8GB free space

dcrdata and PostgreSQL on same host

These specifications assume dcrdata and postgres are running on the same machine.


  • 2 CPU core
  • 6 GB RAM
  • SSD with 120GB free space (no spinning hard drive for the DB!)


  • 3+ CPU cores
  • 12+ GB RAM
  • NVMe SSD with 120 GB free space

dcrdata Daemon

The cmd/dcrdata folder contains the main package for the dcrdata app, which has several components including:

  1. Block explorer (web interface).
  2. Blockchain monitoring and data collection.
  3. Mempool monitoring and reporting.
  4. Database backend interfaces.
  5. RESTful JSON API (custom and Insight) over HTTP(S).
  6. Websocket-based pub-sub server.
  7. Exchange rate bot and gRPC server.

Block Explorer

After dcrdata syncs with the blockchain server via RPC, by default it will begin listening for HTTP connections on This means it starts a web server listening on IPv4 localhost, port 7777. Both the interface and port are configurable. The block explorer and the JSON APIs are both provided by the server on this port.

Note that while dcrdata can be started with HTTPS support, it is recommended to employ a reverse proxy such as Nginx ("engine x"). See sample-nginx.conf for an example Nginx configuration.


The dcrdata block explorer is exposed by two APIs: a Decred implementation of the Insight API, and its own JSON HTTP API. The Insight API uses the path prefix /insight/api. The dcrdata API uses the path prefix /api. File downloads are served from the /download path.

Insight API

The Insight API is accessible via HTTP via REST or WebSocket.

See the Insight API documentation for further details.

dcrdata API

The dcrdata API is a REST API accessible via HTTP. To call the dcrdata API, use the /api path prefix.

Endpoint List

Best block Path Type
Summary /block/best?txtotals=[true|false] types.BlockDataBasic
Stake info /block/best/pos types.StakeInfoExtended
Header /block/best/header dcrjson.GetBlockHeaderVerboseResult
Raw Header (hex) /block/best/header/raw string
Hash /block/best/hash string
Height /block/best/height int
Raw Block (hex) /block/best/raw string
Size /block/best/size int32
Subsidy /block/best/subsidy types.BlockSubsidies
Transactions /block/best/tx types.BlockTransactions
Transactions Count /block/best/tx/count types.BlockTransactionCounts
Verbose block result /block/best/verbose dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult
Block X (block index) Path Type
Summary /block/X types.BlockDataBasic
Stake info /block/X/pos types.StakeInfoExtended
Header /block/X/header dcrjson.GetBlockHeaderVerboseResult
Raw Header (hex) /block/X/header/raw string
Hash /block/X/hash string
Raw Block (hex) /block/X/raw string
Size /block/X/size int32
Subsidy /block/best/subsidy types.BlockSubsidies
Transactions /block/X/tx types.BlockTransactions
Transactions Count /block/X/tx/count types.BlockTransactionCounts
Verbose block result /block/X/verbose dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult
Block H (block hash) Path Type
Summary /block/hash/H types.BlockDataBasic
Stake info /block/hash/H/pos types.StakeInfoExtended
Header /block/hash/H/header dcrjson.GetBlockHeaderVerboseResult
Raw Header (hex) /block/hash/H/header/raw string
Height /block/hash/H/height int
Raw Block (hex) /block/hash/H/raw string
Size /block/hash/H/size int32
Subsidy /block/best/subsidy types.BlockSubsidies
Transactions /block/hash/H/tx types.BlockTransactions
Transactions count /block/hash/H/tx/count types.BlockTransactionCounts
Verbose block result /block/hash/H/verbose dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult
Block range (X < Y) Path Type
Summary array for blocks on [X,Y] /block/range/X/Y []types.BlockDataBasic
Summary array with block index step S /block/range/X/Y/S []types.BlockDataBasic
Size (bytes) array /block/range/X/Y/size []int32
Size array with step S /block/range/X/Y/S/size []int32
Transaction T (transaction id) Path Type
Transaction details /tx/T?spends=[true|false] types.Tx
Transaction details w/o block info /tx/trimmed/T types.TrimmedTx
Inputs /tx/T/in []types.TxIn
Details for input at index X /tx/T/in/X types.TxIn
Outputs /tx/T/out []types.TxOut
Details for output at index X /tx/T/out/X types.TxOut
Vote info (ssgen transactions only) /tx/T/vinfo types.VoteInfo
Ticket info (sstx transactions only) /tx/T/tinfo types.TicketInfo
Serialized bytes of the transaction /tx/hex/T string
Same as /tx/trimmed/T /tx/decoded/T types.TrimmedTx
Transactions (batch) Path Type
Transaction details (POST body is JSON of types.Txns) /txs?spends=[true|false] []types.Tx
Transaction details w/o block info /txs/trimmed []types.TrimmedTx
Address A Path Type
Summary of last 10 transactions /address/A types.Address
Number and value of spent and unspent outputs /address/A/totals types.AddressTotals
Verbose transaction result for last
10 transactions
/address/A/raw types.AddressTxRaw
Summary of last N transactions /address/A/count/N types.Address
Verbose transaction result for last
N transactions
/address/A/count/N/raw types.AddressTxRaw
Summary of last N transactions, skipping M /address/A/count/N/skip/M types.Address
Verbose transaction result for last
N transactions, skipping M
/address/A/count/N/skip/M/raw types.AddressTxRaw
Transaction inputs and outputs as a CSV formatted file. /download/address/io/A CSV file
Treasury Path Type
Current treasury info (e.g. spendable/immature/spent balance) /treasury/balance dbtypes.TreasuryBalance
Stake Difficulty (Ticket Price) Path Type
Current sdiff and estimates /stake/diff types.StakeDiff
Sdiff for block X /stake/diff/b/X []float64
Sdiff for block range [X,Y] (X <= Y) /stake/diff/r/X/Y []float64
Current sdiff separately /stake/diff/current dcrjson.GetStakeDifficultyResult
Estimates separately /stake/diff/estimates dcrjson.EstimateStakeDiffResult
Ticket Pool Path Type
Current pool info (size, total value, and average price) /stake/pool types.TicketPoolInfo
Current ticket pool, in a JSON object with a "tickets" key holding an array of ticket hashes /stake/pool/full []string
Pool info for block X /stake/pool/b/X types.TicketPoolInfo
Full ticket pool at block height or hash H /stake/pool/b/H/full []string
Pool info for block range [X,Y] (X <= Y) /stake/pool/r/X/Y?arrays=[true|false]* []apitypes.TicketPoolInfo

The full ticket pool endpoints accept the URL query ?sort=[true|false] for requesting the tickets array in lexicographical order. If a sorted list or list with deterministic order is not required, using sort=false will reduce server load and latency. However, be aware that the ticket order will be random, and will change each time the tickets are requested.

*For the pool info block range endpoint that accepts the arrays url query, a value of true will put all pool values and pool sizes into separate arrays, rather than having a single array of pool info JSON objects. This may make parsing more efficient for the client.

Votes and Agendas Info Path Type
The current agenda and its status /stake/vote/info dcrjson.GetVoteInfoResult
All agendas high level details /agendas []types.AgendasInfo
Details for agenda {agendaid} /agendas/{agendaid} types.AgendaAPIResponse
Mempool Path Type
Ticket fee rate summary /mempool/sstx apitypes.MempoolTicketFeeInfo
Ticket fee rate list (all) /mempool/sstx/fees apitypes.MempoolTicketFees
Ticket fee rate list (N highest) /mempool/sstx/fees/N apitypes.MempoolTicketFees
Detailed ticket list (fee, hash, size, age, etc.) /mempool/sstx/details apitypes.MempoolTicketDetails
Detailed ticket list (N highest fee rates) /mempool/sstx/details/N apitypes.MempoolTicketDetails
Exchanges Path Type
Exchange data summary /exchanges exchanges.ExchangeBotState
List of available currency codes /exchanges/codes []string

Exchange monitoring is off by default. Server must be started with --exchange-monitor to enable exchange data. The server will set a default currency code. To use a different code, pass URL parameter ?code=[code]. For example, /exchanges?code=EUR.

Other Path Type
Status /status types.Status
Health (HTTP 200 or 503) /status/happy types.Happy
Coin Supply /supply types.CoinSupply
Coin Supply Circulating (Mined) /supply/circulating?dcr=[true|false] int (default) or float (dcr=true)
Endpoint list (always indented) /list []string

All JSON endpoints accept the URL query indent=[true|false]. For example, /stake/diff?indent=true. By default, indentation is off. The characters to use for indentation may be specified with the indentjson string configuration option.

Important Note About Mempool

Although there is mempool data collection and serving, it is very important to keep in mind that the mempool in your node (dcrd) is not likely to be exactly the same as other nodes' mempool. Also, your mempool is cleared out when you shutdown dcrd. So, if you have recently (e.g. after the start of the current ticket price window) started dcrd, your mempool will be missing transactions that other nodes have.

Front End Development

Make sure you have a recent version of node and npm installed.

From the cmd/dcrdata directory, run the following command to install the node modules.

npm clean-install

This will create and install into a directory named node_modules.

You'll also want to run npm clean-install after merging changes from upstream. It is run for you when you use the build script (./dev/

For development, there's a webpack script that watches for file changes and automatically bundles. To use it, run the following command in a separate terminal and leave it running while you work. You'll only use this command if you are editing javascript files.

npm run watch

For production, bundle assets via:

npm run build

You will need to at least build if changes have been made. watch essentially runs build after file changes, but also performs some additional checks.

CSS Guidelines

Webpack compiles SCSS to CSS while bundling. The watch script described above also watches for changes in these files and performs linting to ensure syntax compliance.

Before you write any CSS, see if you can achieve your goal by using existing classes available in Bootstrap 4. This helps prevent our stylesheets from getting bloated and makes it easier for things to work well across a wide range browsers & devices. Please take the time to Read the docs

Note there is a dark mode, so make sure things look good with the dark background as well.


The core functionality of dcrdata is server-side rendered in Go and designed to work well with javascript disabled. For users with javascript enabled, Turbolinks creates a persistent single page application that handles all HTML rendering.

.tmpl files are cached by the backend, and can be reloaded via running killall -USR1 dcrdata from the command line.


To encourage code that is idiomatic to Turbolinks based execution environment, javascript based enhancements should use Stimulus controllers with corresponding actions and targets. Keeping things tightly scoped with controllers and modules helps to localize complexity and maintain a clean application lifecycle. When using events handlers, bind and unbind them in the connect and disconnect function of controllers which executes when they get removed from the DOM.

Web Performance

The core functionality of dcrdata should perform well in low power device / high latency scenarios (eg. a cheap smart phone with poor reception). This means that heavy assets should be lazy loaded when they are actually needed. Simple tasks like checking a transaction or address should have a very fast initial page load.

Helper Packages

package dbtypes defines the data types used by the DB backends to model the block, transaction, and related blockchain data structures. Functions for converting from standard Decred data types (e.g. wire.MsgBlock) are also provided.

package rpcutils includes helper functions for interacting with a rpcclient.Client.

package stakedb defines the StakeDatabase and ChainMonitor types for efficiently tracking live tickets, with the primary purpose of computing ticket pool value quickly. It uses the database.DB type from with an ffldb storage backend from It also makes use of the stake.Node type from The ChainMonitor type handles connecting new blocks and chain reorganization in response to notifications from dcrd.

package txhelpers includes helper functions for working with the common types dcrutil.Tx, dcrutil.Block, chainhash.Hash, and others.

Internal-use Packages

Some packages are currently designed only for internal use by other dcrdata packages, but may be of general value in the future.

blockdata defines:

  • The chainMonitor type and its BlockConnectedHandler() method that handles block-connected notifications and triggers data collection and storage.
  • The BlockData type and methods for converting to API types.
  • The blockDataCollector type and its Collect() and CollectHash() methods that are called by the chain monitor when a new block is detected.
  • The BlockDataSaver interface required by chainMonitor for storage of collected data.

dcrpg defines:

  • The ChainDB type, which is the primary exported type from dcrpg, providing an interface for a PostgreSQL database.
  • A large set of lower-level functions to perform a range of queries given a *sql.DB instance and various parameters.
  • The internal package contains the raw SQL statements.

package mempool defines a MempoolMonitor type that can monitor a node's mempool using the OnTxAccepted notification handler to send newly received transaction hashes via a designated channel. Ticket purchases (SSTx) are triggers for mempool data collection, which is handled by the DataCollector class, and data storage, which is handled by any number of objects implementing the MempoolDataSaver interface.


See the GitHub issue trackers and the project milestones.


Yes, please! See for details, but here's the gist of it:

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Create a branch for your work (git checkout -b cool-stuff).
  3. Code something great.
  4. Commit and push to your repo.
  5. Create a pull request.

DO NOT merge from master to your feature branch; rebase.

Also, come chat with us on Matrix in the dcrdata channel!


This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Decred block explorer, with packages and apps for data collection and storage. Written in Go.







No packages published


  • Go 86.6%
  • JavaScript 10.3%
  • SCSS 2.2%
  • Shell 0.8%
  • HTML 0.1%
  • MATLAB 0.0%