This repository provides a callback plugin that ships Ansible output via Logstash to an indexer as configured via Logstash.
Install python-logstash
pip install python-logstash
Append the following to the [defaults]
section of your ansible.cfg
callback_plugins = <path_to_callback_plugins_folder>
callback_whitelist = logstash
Put the logstash
plugin from this git repository into the path_to_callback_plugins_folder as defined above.
This plugin makes use of the following environment variables:
(optional): defaults to localhostLOGSTASH_PORT
(optional): defaults to 5000LOGSTASH_TYPE
(optional): defaults to ansibleLOGSTASH_PRE_COMMAND
(optional): defaults is "ansible --version | head -1" execute command before run and result putansible_pre_command_output
Or you can use the [callback_logstash]
section of your ansible.cfg
server = localhost
port = 5000
type = ansible
pre_command = git rev-parse HEAD
Basic logstash testing config
input {
tcp {
port => 5000
codec => json
Shipping logs to elasticsearch
input {
tcp {
port => 5000
codec => json
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
This repository contains a file titled ansible.template
. This template can be loaded into your elasticsearch cluster to provide a nice mapping for the ansible data.
List available templates
curl -s -XGET localhost:9200/_template
Load the template
curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/ansible' [email protected]
This is just an example of how to use the environment variables when running a playbook.
LOGSTASH_SERVER= LOGSTASH_PORT=5000 ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Logstash Output
"ansible_type" => "start",
"level" => "INFO",
"session" => "111f73e0-eb57-11e6-bc8d-e4115b24f077",
"message" => "START playbooks/deploy-aws-bastion.yml",
"type" => "ansible",
"ansible_playbook" => "playbooks/deploy-aws-bastion.yml",
"tags" => [],
"path" => "/opt/work/ansible-playbook-bastion/ansible/plugins/callbacks/",
"@timestamp" => 2017-02-05T03:56:26.335Z,
"port" => 43920,
"@version" => "1",
"host" => "laptappy",
"logger_name" => "python-logstash-logger",
"ansible_pre_command_output" => "ansible",
"status" => "OK"
"ansible_type" => "task",
"level" => "INFO",
"ansible_result" => "{\"changed\": false, \"cmd\": \"TZ=':US/Eastern' date +%s\", \"delta\": \"0:00:00.003644\", \"end\": \"2017-02-05 03:56:57.823829\", \"rc\": 0, \"start\": \"2017-02-05 03:56:57.820185\", \"stderr\": \"\", \"stdout\": \"1486267017\", \"stdout_lines\": [\"1486267017\"], \"warnings\": []}",
"session" => "111f73e0-eb57-11e6-bc8d-e4115b24f077",
"ansible_changed" => false,
"message" => "{\"changed\": false, \"cmd\": \"TZ=':US/Eastern' date +%s\", \"delta\": \"0:00:00.003644\", \"end\": \"2017-02-05 03:56:57.823829\", \"rc\": 0, \"start\": \"2017-02-05 03:56:57.820185\", \"stderr\": \"\", \"stdout\": \"1486267017\", \"stdout_lines\": [\"1486267017\"], \"warnings\": []}",
"type" => "ansible",
"ansible_playbook" => "playbooks/deploy-aws-bastion.yml",
"ansible_task" => "Get post-epoch time",
"tags" => [],
"path" => "/opt/work/ansible-playbook-bastion/ansible/plugins/callbacks/",
"ansible_host" => "",
"@timestamp" => 2017-02-05T03:56:57.855Z,
"port" => 43920,
"host" => "laptappy",
"@version" => "1",
"logger_name" => "python-logstash-logger",
"ansible_pre_command_output" => "ansible",
"status" => "OK"
"ansible_type" => "finish",
"level" => "INFO",
"ansible_result" => "{\"\": {\"unreachable\": 0, \"skipped\": 2, \"ok\": 15, \"changed\": 0, \"failures\": 0}}",
"session" => "111f73e0-eb57-11e6-bc8d-e4115b24f077",
"message" => "{\"\": {\"unreachable\": 0, \"skipped\": 2, \"ok\": 15, \"changed\": 0, \"failures\": 0}}",
"type" => "ansible",
"ansible_playbook" => "playbooks/deploy-aws-bastion.yml",
"tags" => [],
"path" => "/opt/work/ansible-playbook-bastion/ansible/plugins/callbacks/",
"@timestamp" => 2017-02-05T03:56:57.857Z,
"port" => 43920,
"@version" => "1",
"host" => "laptappy",
"logger_name" => "python-logstash-logger",
"ansible_pre_command_output" => "ansible",
"status" => "OK"