- 快速获取用户点赞列表
- 快速获取文章的点赞用户列表
假设有以下两张表 user_likes
用户点赞表和 forum_thread
表 user_likes
user_id like_thread_list
表 forum_thread
thread_id forum_id ... like_user_list
- 将点赞记录插入
表 - 将点赞记录插入
这里的重点是 like_thread_list
和 like_user_list
字段使用 json 格式(MySQL5.7)
帖子点赞列表 like_user_list 存储的数据看起来像这样
{"user_id":1,"nickname":"鱼肚","base64_avatar":"base64encodedimg","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
{"user_id":1,"nickname":"蜂鸟","base64_avatar":"base64encodedimg","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
{"user_id":1,"nickname":"小明","base64_avatar":"base64encodedimg","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
这里用户头像在插入时以base64编码永久保存,这样在拉取帖子点赞列表时就不需要再根据 user_id 去查询头像信息。
而用户点赞列表 like_thread_list 也同理
{"thread_id":1,"subject":"大家来点赞","message":"帖子内容的前60个字符","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
{"thread_id":2,"subject":"大家来搞基","message":"帖子内容的前60个字符","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
{"thread_id":3,"subject":"大家来爬梯","message":"帖子内容的前60个字符","time":"2017-07-30 16:45:01"},
也就是说有N个用户,user_likes表里的记录数 <= N
该方案的瓶颈在于,当 json 字段存储的内容变大后,操作复杂度为 O(n),测试时当总共1W条记录插入和删除一条记录需要 30ms~40ms(根据每条记录大小有所浮动)
JSON_ARRAY_APPEND:全量替换性能低下 MySQL暂无优化计划
JSON_REMOVE:全量替换性能低下 此方法将在 MySQL 8 中得到优化
Added support in MySQL 8.0.2 for partial, in-place updates of JSON column values, which is more efficient than completely removing an existing JSON value and writing a new one in its place, as was done previously when updating any JSON column. For this optimization to be applied, the update must be applied using JSON_SET(), JSON_REPLACE(), or JSON_REMOVE(). New elements cannot be added to the JSON document being updated; values within the document cannot take more space than previous to the update. See Section 11.6, “The JSON Data Type”, for a detailed discussion of the requirements.
需要在 MySQL 8 中借助 $[last] 才能实现,当前的XPath尚不支持
Added support in MySQL 8.0.2 for ranges such as
$[1 to 5] in XPath expressions. Also added support in this version for the last keyword and relative addressing, such that $ [last] always selects the last (highest-numbered) element in the array and$[last-1] the next to last element. last and expressions using it can also be included in range definitions; for example, $ [last-2 to last-1] returns the last two elements but one from an array. See Searching and Modifying JSON Values, for additional information and examples.