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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Feb 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

module omegaToolkit wraps omegaTookit::ui::WidgetFactory

Use this class to create ui widgets.

A quicker way to create default widgets is to use the create methods on them. For example, Button.create is the same as WidgetFactory.createButton but does not force you to choose a widget name.


Method(s) Description
Button createButton(name, container) Creates a Button widget
Slider createSlider(name, container) Creates a Slider widget
Button createCheckButton(name, container) Creates a check Button widget
Image createImage(name, container) Creates an Image widget
Label createLabel(name, container, text) Creates a Label widget
Container createContainer(name, container, layout) Creates a Container widget with the specified layout

Container layouts

The method createContainer() can specify a layout for containers. The layout is a value from the ContainerLayout enumeration. The ContainerLayout enumeration contains the following values: LayoutFree, LayoutHorizontal, LayoutVertical, LayoutGrid

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