There is a world of software tools that all of STEM can use. In this workshop series, we go through some tools specific to programmers like git, vim, and VSCode to more widely applicable tools like LaTeX (pronouned LAY-tek). Because classes have all been moved online, we will host our workshops on Zoom!
In this repository, you'll find a guidemap to all the topics we introduce this quarter, and links to helpful resources. These resourses, which are often what we call "READMEs", are very useful for following along and reading up on content you missed!
As you know, our workshops will be hosted live on Zoom. Here are some helpful tips.
- Use the chat! Hack officers will be there to help you with questions.
- Try private messaging a mentor.
- Metors will have "MENTOR " appended to their names: "MENTOR [Name]"
- If it's really broken, we can try putting you and a mentor in a breakout room to troubleshoot.
- Everyone besides the presenters are muted so they can present comfortably.
- The Workshop will be recorded!