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Releases: uber/tchannel-java

Bump to v0.1.4

20 Oct 20:59
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Merge pull request #87 from uber/hyperbahn-client

Hyperbahn client


17 Sep 22:09
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v0.1.2 Pre-release
  • Basic micro-benchmarking functionality
  • Move to reflections to determine Request/Response type of Request Handlers
  • Expose TransportHeaders, TTL and ResponseCodes to clients
  • Move to ABC DefaultRequestHandler to manage some shared logic among RequestHandlers

First release of TChannel Java

26 Aug 19:24
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We're now on par with other languages in terms of transport options e.g. JSON and Thrift Arg Schemes.

Now we need to do the hard work of ensuring Protocol Compatibility as well as cross language compatibility e.g. matching any flaws in the 'de facto' node.js implementation.