This is a MA-level course in quantitative economics, data science, and causal inference in economics.
This course will have a combination of coding, theory, and development of mathematical background. All coding is done in Python. Link to Jesse's Lecture Slides and Paul's HTML Slides, source
- Get a GitHub ID and apply for the Student Developer Pack to get further free features
- Consider clicking
at the top of this repository to see file changes
All materials will be on github, and canvas will be used to submit assignments/communication.
There is no assigned physical textbook, but we will be using lecture notes from:
While you can use the UBC JupyterOpen for this course, we strongly suggest installing Python on your local machine. The easiest way to do this is:
- Install Anaconda to install python and its packages for your operating system
- Install git for your operating system
- Optionally: install (a) Github Desktop; (b) VS Code to make it easier to manage downloaded notebooks.
- Then clone the following repositories onto your local machine using a terminal, using either git directly (e.g. in terminal go
git clone
), GitHub Desktop, or VS Code-
- In some cases you will need to manually install packages (by doing
pip install -r requirements.txt
within some of those repositories, or manually installing packages as required)
We recommend using VS Code to access repositories since you will likely begin using the VSCode editor as your primary Python (and latex) editor sooner than later.
See Syllabus for more details
The course has one midterm, weekly to bi-weekly problem sets, and a final data project due the last day of class.
- September 8th Midnight: Problem Set 1
- September 18th Midnight: Problem Set 2
- September 25th Midnight: Problem Set 3
- October 6th Midnight: Problem Set 4
- October 16th: Midterm Logistics Practice and Review Midterm Practice Problems
- October 21st: IN CLASS MIDTERM
- December 15th Midnight: Data Project Due
See the /problem_sets
folder within this repository for the problem sets as jupyter notebooks. You should modify them directly as Jupyter notebooks, and the TA will explain how to submit them.
This year the course will be taught in two parts where the later parts of the course will follow material in Causal Inference for The Brave and True.
This lecture begins assuming you have completed the math/programming bootcamp for our masters students, or had an existing python-based programming course. To refresh your knowledge, see basics in QuantEcon Data Science Lectures or QuantEcon Python Programming for Economics and Finance.
Slides for the lectures can be found here and after his section starts: Paul's HTML Slides, source
September 4: Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications in Data Science
- Topics: Overview of computational complexity and numerical precision, solving systems of equations, geometric interpretations of linear algebra, matrix decompositions, linear least squares, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Preparation for applications.
- Material:
- Self-study:
- Basics of linear algebra, matrices, norms, and linear independence:
- Numerical optimization:
- Systems of Equations:
- Eigenvectors and eigenvalues:
- Downloading and manipulating data in Python: and
- (Optional) Extra Material:
- Introductory material on linear algebra: and
- Matrix decompositions and other topics:
September 9: Continuing on Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra
- Topics: Overview of computational complexity and numerical precision, solving systems of equations, geometric interpretations of linear algebra, matrix decompositions, linear least squares, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Preparation for applications.
- Material:
- Self-study:
- Basics of linear algebra, matrices, norms, and linear independence:
- Numerical optimization:
- Systems of Equations:
- Eigenvectors and eigenvalues:
- Downloading and manipulating data in Python: and
- (Optional) Extra Material:
- Introductory material on linear algebra: and
- Matrix decompositions and other topics:
September 11: Applications of Linear Algebra (Eigenvalues and Discounting)
- Topics: Geometric series and present values, difference equations, steady states, and convergence, unemployment dynamics, present discounted values
- Material:
- Finishing off Linear Algebra Foundations
- Eigenvalues and Stability, Jupyter, PDF
- Self-study:
- Geometric Series and Present Values:
- Portfolio example:
- Unemployment Dynamics example:
- (Optional) Extra Material:
- Supply and Demand:
- More on Competitive Equilibrium:
September 16: Latent Variables and Intro to Unsupervised Learning
- Topics: Review eigenvalues and dynamics, principle components, and present discounted values
- Material:
- Self-study:
September 18: More on Latent Variables and Clustering
- Topics: Finish off continuous latent variables, PCA, auto-encoders, clustering, and started dynamics
- Material:
- Self-study:
September 23: Dynamics
- Topics: Dynamical systems, stability, fixed points, linearization, intro to the Solow-Swan growth model
- Material:
- Self-study:
- Solow-Swan Growth Model Derivation: (skip 20.3)
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability:
- Review taylor series, just to first order
- (Optional) Extra Material:
- More on the Solow Model and Python:
September 25: Finished Dynamics and Started Probability, Randomness, and Independence
- Topics: Axioms of probability, LLN and CLT, and Conditional Independence
- Material:
- Self-study:
- (Optional) Extra Material:
September 30 (Statutory holiday)
October 2nd: Continue Probability, Randomness, and Independence
- Topics: Axioms of probability, LLN and CLT, and Conditional Independence
- Material:
- Self-study:
- (Optional) Extra Material:
October 7: Stochastic Processes and Forecasts
- Topics: Conditional expectations, Bayes' rule, Law of Iterated Expectations, stochastic processes
- Material:
- (Optional) Extra Material:
- for more on Markov Chains
- for more on AR(1) processes
- for a simple Markov Chain example
October 9: Markov Chains and Maybe Start Causality
- Topics: Finish stochastic processes and Markov Chains and briefly setup causality and counterfactuals if time permits
- Material:
- Self-Study:
October 14 (Statutory holiday)
October 16 Introduction to Causality and Counterfactuals + Midterm Logistics Review
Go here for a list of topics, reading, and slides.
Here is the source for my slides.
See "Sources and Futher Reading" (2nd last slide) on each set of slides for additional reading.
- November 11 (Midterm Break)
- November 13 (Midterm Break)
- December 15