Previous programming experience and classwork is useful, but not required. But even if you know how to program, you will learn a great deal of interesting applications.
We will follow the QuantEcon DataScience textbook
You will not need to install any software on your local computer. Instead:
- Go to the QuantEcon DataScience Introduction textbook.
- One time setup: click on the "Settings" icon at the bottom of a lecture and choose the server:
- Then click on the "Launch Notebook" to launch any notebook in your computing environment
- See Troubleshooting for how to reset notebooks, etc.
- We strongly suggest creating a GitHub account and signing up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack
If possible, please bring a laptop to class to interactively discuss the material.
- Sev Hou ([email protected])
- Office Hours: 1-2pm Fridays @ Iona #435
See Syllabus for more details
Major course sections
- Python Fundamentals
- Scientific Computing and Economics
- Introduction to Pandas and Data Wrangling
- Data Science Case Studies and Tools
Grading: Weekly problem sets: 50%; Final projects: 45%; Attendance/Participation: 5%
The final project is open ended. See previous projects
- Section 1 (Peifan Wu) Office Hour: 2-4 pm Tuesdays @ Iona 055
- Section 2 (Jesse Perla and Paul Schrimpf)
- Jesse: 3:30-4:30pm Wednesdays @ Iona 206
- Paul: 3:30-4:30pm Wednesdays @ Iona 107
All problem sets are to be sent as clean, executed .ipynb
notebooks on Canvas.