I created this package because I found that I often needed to see the cliams of a JWT token and wether it was expired or not. I didn't need to verify it the signatures. I wanted a package to check if the token was expired, so I could refresh my token or take other actions based off that. Most other packages seemed to require verified signatures or would throw errors if a key was not provided. Just needed a simple package to get the cliams info and if the token was expired. Simple JWT.
Table of Contents
pip install simple-jwt-decode
from simple_jwt import jwt
Should return at dict that looks similar to the following:
{'headers': {'alg': 'HS512'}, 'claims': {'exp': 1681337256, 'iat': 1681333656, 'sid': '15307164276', 'aid': '8652598085', 'cid': '50430702', 'type': 'r'}, 'signature': 'jmFoOydgYnL8AqmgnLSFU2l_E6q3pnPHh7ss-g7xKO7tLD_JY8vZR3O-cthNInFzi9G2M3t2boRzMTatlbsZ7Q'}
from simple_jwt import jwt
expired = jwt.is_expired(token)
if (expired):
print('Your JWT token is expired! Oh no! Better get a new one')
print('Your JWT token is not expired; No need to refesh at the moment')
is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.